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BBC radio Prog " The Report" this week on JW Child Abuse
by Phizzy in
to be broadcast at 20.00 hrs british summer time this thursday, available on bbc i-player shortly after broadcast..
Thank you everyone -
BBC radio Prog " The Report" this week on JW Child Abuse
by Phizzy in
to be broadcast at 20.00 hrs british summer time this thursday, available on bbc i-player shortly after broadcast..
I would love to hear this broadcast. Unfortunately I live in the US. Is there ant way to listen using the internet? -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
What I have seen fishermen is you avoiding the questions I have posed to you. If all your insulting posturing was just to make a point , you where truly not very successful. Advocating your position in any scholarly debate requires the presentation of facts not name calling. It is ok to disagree with any statement what is not necessary is being disagreeable. -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
Fishermen I do not need an apology nor do I expect one. I fancy myself as rather open minded, however I base my conclusions on facts . I asked you two very easy questions. I promise I will answer your question regarding the posting of your Pm publically if you answer my questions. If you do not answer the questions, logic would dictate that you have an ulterior motive for not doing so. -
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
You actually have amused me Fisherman with your comment regarding my education. (I actually have earned several graduate degrees including a Phd.) Just because someone disagrees with you does not make them uneducated or a "moron" My point in the previous post was to remind you of your own claim that ...
We are just having a discussion here with no harm or malice or disrespect intended whatsoever to anyone. I respectfully submit that same courtesy that you requested, be extended to other posters. You can not automatically conclude that others posted in order to harm you.
In my particular case I have not made a decision yet, as to whether you have a valid reason to object to your pm being posted. What I do know is you have a valid objection or not, your approach to addressing the situation is abrasive and hostile. I need more information before I can come to a conclusion regarding the validity of your objection. I would love to know what the purpose of your pm to Morpheus was? Why did you ask him those particular questions?
Question and answers for fisherperson regardingy time at bethel
by _Morpheus inso fisherperson sent me a pm asking a bunch of questions re my time at beth hell.
rather than respond in a pm i will post the q/a here as i have nothing to hide.
q:what years did you serve in brooklyn bethel?
I have no skin in this argument , however this is what I have observed and concluded. Fisherman it seems that you are deeply concerned about your name outing you . You have been posting for years , often questioning Watchtower policy. If fisherman is your real name it would appear be you who have outed yourself by any logical person. You seem very legalistic in your attitude towards commenting. This is all well and good , however you should treat others using the same standards as you want applied to yourself. I point to your profile as evidence of that.
"Hi, The information posted past present and future is to be considered viewpoint, opinion, feeling, believed. It may also be the belief, feeling or opinion of someone else and not necessarily mine, or it may be hypothetical, or it may be to see how others feel about a certain opinion or position, but not intended to be authoritative or factual presentational or factual representational. We are just having a discussion here with no harm or malice or disrespect intended whatsoever to anyone. It is my intention to comply with all rules and TOS of this website. It is my intention to to comply with all laws that govern my posts. Again, no harm or malice or disrespect is intended to anyone or anything, just having a discussion of viewpoints. In the event that anything posted violates or is believed to violate any law that governs what has been posted, I give my consent that the information in question should be removed immediately, and also request that the website should remove the related information immediately. I also request to be properly notified immediately. I reserve all of my rights provided by all laws everywhere and I also reserve all of my rights of freedom of speech provided by the laws of the United States of America, however, it is not my intention whatsoever to violate or encroach on anyone's freedom or rights or to offend anyone or anything in any way. Very truly yours, Fisherman "
No More Literal Peaceful Animals in Paradise?
by FusionTheism inthere is a quote in the new june episode of jw broadcasting, which says isaiah 11:6 applies to people inside the congregations now who have their personalities transformed.. in the 1980's and 1990's, when i attended meetings all the time, i always heard them say this scripture had a literal fulfillment and the animals will be at peace with one another.. here is the scripture:.
isaiah 11:6 (nwt): the wolf will reside for a while with the lamb, and with the young goat the leopard will lie down, and the calf and the lion and the fattened animal will all be together; and a little boy will lead them.. after hearing the quote, i did a search on, and i found this statement regarding that scripture:.
isaiah book 1, pages 163-165:.
I am surprised that they have not changed it to this,
isaiah 11:6 (nwt): the wolf will reside for a while with the lamb, and with the young goat the leopard will lie down, and the calf and the lion and the fattened animal will all be together; and a child molester will lead them all.
Commentary Press
by Hold Me-Thrill Me infrom commentary press: "in honor of raymond & cynthia franz, the present copyright owner of crisis of conscious and in search of christian freedom is committed to further distribution of these publications.
more details will be forthcoming.".
The cost of printing hardcopy is prohibitive. There is not enough demand to justify even a limited run. -
Songs to make an '80's Guy (or girl) cry.....
by avishai inanother thread inspired this one, and i'm making myself a lil' compilation.... i'll start.
"just like heaven" the cure.
"please, please let me get what i want" the smiths....
These two songs still make me cry . I left the witnesses and shortly there after lost my older brother right about this time. I was so confused and lonely. My brother was one who supported me no matter what.
Damned if they do, Damned if they don't
by FusionTheism ini see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
They have made no positive changes!!!! They have only changed their dogma when there previous claims have been proven false. Do they say we are in error forgive us ? No they do not. They instead try to put the blame on the rank and file and accuses them of 'running ahead' of God.