WT is a corporation that made HUGE profits selling ETERNAL LIFE for over a century.
Their product: JW's be saved and we'll live in Paradise as a youth forever, which is really amazing. Once you believe it's very difficult to let go and who would want to let go.
WT make you jump through hoops to keep the hope alive. You have to Go to Meetings, Service, get Haircuts, Shave, wear Suits, Dresses, Be Modest, Repeat WT arguments as TRUTH, such as defining GENERATION, so we can be saved. Ridiculed for not participating in anything, just because We're DIFFERENT., etc, etc....
Reality, they are no different from any other religion out there. WT calls BULLSHIT with all other religions, like the Catholics, when it was the Catholics that voted in which books are to be included in the Holy Scriptures, to which we say it's from GOD. If anyone would come down from a mountain today and say, I SAW GOD, GOD wants us to do the following..... We would put him in a mental institute, however we believe it when someone did it 4000 years ago. We're INSANE.
I was raised in the WT way since the late 60's, did all the pioneering, MSing, Eldering, Public Talks, good little JW. Hoped for the new system since I was a kid. Today, there is even a GB member who is younger than I am.
I SAY ENOUGH BULLSHIT, and to the WT and the apologists i say, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! All Religions should be flushed. Shame on all of them, including the WT for lying to us and profiting on FALSE promises
Live your life, love your family and friends, be kind and explore this beautiful world.