How many of these videos and dramas will the WT make.
They are all exactly the same.
my latest review for watchtower's most recent feature length propaganda film.
(not safe if sober.).
How many of these videos and dramas will the WT make.
They are all exactly the same.
it has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
I lived through the 1975 lie. I was never supposed to attend high school. I was turning 12 in 1975, I was sure the end was coming. Too young and had no say on getting out of the LIE at that time.
So, I stayed in, regular pioneered in the 80's, served as an elder for many years, taught all my studies that the generation of 1914 would see the end and that the faithful would live forever in paradise, without ever having to die.
Left in the mid 90's, I couldn't take the BS no more. The false generation teaching was just TOO BIG of a LIE, besides a whole bunch of other stuff I won't list now.
Still have family that are active. A few weeks ago I met with a sibling that's still inside, I had to share some amazing news in my life and said, "while the WT figures out which generation will see the end, I'm going to be a grandfather in August."
After congratulating me, all he could say is, "don't worry, we're really close now."
way to early on a saturday morning we got a ring on our doorbell.
someone else answered the door.
after they left i walked by our entry way and gagged from the smell!
much has already been written about dr monica applewhite, the expert witness hired by the jw organization.
her job was to provide "expert" testimony to the australian commission of inquiry into jehovsh's witnesses' policies and practices on child sexual abuse.
astonishingly, dr applewhite was unprepared for the inquiry lawyers' questions.
What will the commission accomplish, besides the exposing of the WT flawed procedures.
Can they legally force the WT to make changes in their policies? Can they make the WT pay for therapy programs for the victims of child abuse and their families? Will the abusers go to jail? Can they make the WT pay compensation to the victims?
i managed to find a copy of "going clear" on the internet.
i won't post a link because most are loaded with pop-ups and you have to be careful about accidental downloads.
mine was no exception, but i managed to keep the computer clean.
For the x-jws that watch this documentary, we feel and say the exact same things that the x-scientologists are saying in the documentary.
Some may say that we don't believe in the crazy teachings of Scientology or Mormons, that they are more outrageous than the JWS, but the essence is there, the mind control that an org can place on you and things that they make you do, that under any other circumstance we would not do, but say, "That's #$#%^ NUTS!"
The policing, the control, the judging, the disfellowshipping, the money, the properties that the religion accumulates, the lying, etc...
In most parts of the documentary just replace Scientology with WatchTower, and it's all the same, the power hungry paranoid characters are always the leaders in the cults that ruin peoples lives.
I couldn't stop watching it, very interesting.
i have to thank tv.jw!!!
(im not putting the complete link, but you know what i mean).
after showing my wife the 'trolley song' as we now call it, she was rolling on the floor in embarrassment and shock.. she shook her head, and was clearly troubled by what we watched.. little by little, the org is actually helping more to wake up!
"What a feeeelinggg!!!
to go Wheeeeelinggg!!"
WOW, the GB have become totally retarded.
I've been out 10 years, this religion has really changed, I don't recognize it anymore.
Super Happy to be OUT
from an email i received of a conversation had with people from patterson:.
it seems that the wts legal dept.
has been working with the fb [facebook] legal dept for about a year and also with youtube whoever they are, to enforce transparency.
Obviously not true, but if it was, it would be great! Many elders, COs and Bethelites would be df'd
we may believe that the wt is having financial problems because of the sell-off that has been happening lately.
however, i think the opposite.
i believe the gb has realized that in today's world the money is in the properties that the sheepies have already paid or are paying for.
It's a control issue.
They would much rather be the landlord and have total control of all the properties than be the lender.
With the new arrangement everyone pays rent and not a mortgage. Which changes the ownership to the WT
we may believe that the wt is having financial problems because of the sell-off that has been happening lately.
however, i think the opposite.
i believe the gb has realized that in today's world the money is in the properties that the sheepies have already paid or are paying for.
The Assembly Halls are big money, the one in Montreal is valued at $14.5 Million dollars and in Gatineau $8 Million dollars. The most expensive KH in Montreal is on Ward street valued at $3.1 Million.
Just 3 properties add up to over $25 Million.
Properties in Toronto and Vancouver must be even more expensive. The value of all the KHs and AHs worldwide must be staggering
we may believe that the wt is having financial problems because of the sell-off that has been happening lately.
however, i think the opposite.
i believe the gb has realized that in today's world the money is in the properties that the sheepies have already paid or are paying for.
We may believe that the WT is having financial problems because of the sell-off that has been happening lately. However, I think the opposite. I believe the GB has realized that in today's world the money is in the properties that the sheepies have already paid or are paying for. It's free money for the GB.
The new financial arrangement shows that the GB want full control of all these properties that have been constructed over the years. In my opinion, thats where the money is and the GB wants it badly.
Waiving the mortgages owed to them is a facade to show they're the good guys, only to eventually have all the properties in their name, I bet the arrangement of transfering all properties in their name is coming up next.
How much money does this represent??
I did a rough calculation; in the Province of Quebec most municipal evaluations are public, easily accessed by internet. In this province alone, I counted 99 Kingdom Halls and 2 Assembly Halls (there may be more), the value of all the properties are approx $90.4 Million dollars (I could not find th values of 14 KHs because they are in very small towns, therefore I did not include them in the $90.4M). Technically the amount should be higher.
We can estimate the value of all the properties in Canada and USA (excuding the Bethel facilities) by using a KH to publishers ratio. In Quebec there are approx 27,000 publishers, Canada's publishers are 115,000 which will give us an estimated value of $390 Million in Canada alone. The USA have 1.2M publishers which gives a value of $3.5 Billion in properties. This does not include the Bethel properties.
Just in Canada and USA the GB have access to approx $4 Billion dollars of properties that most elders would just sign over to them. If I'm missing something or calculating wrong, let me know.
Let's see what happens!