Hey BonaFide (in good faith).
The breaking point is different for each individual.
For me it was seeing that the organization is does
not look for the benefit of the sheep. They look for
their own benefit, no matter what the cost to the
brothers and sisters in the faith. That clearly told
me they were full of it and the feeling has grown over
the years. You can only say you care for the sheep so
many times and not show it before it becomes obvious
how flagrantly greedy and uncaring the WT organizational
machine is. It has a spirit of its own, it has become
a beast of Apocalyptic proportions, once you get bitten
by the beast in sheep's clothing it hurts, and it will
sooner or later bite. It always bites. Some JWs have a
higher tolerance than others for pain, and some even
like it, some even bite others in return and like the
taste of blood, usually those end up in posts of authority.
But so many shy away from the biting beast that it needs
to keep finding new blood to feed on, because it's nothing
but a blood sucking, life taking machine without a soul.
I feel really bad for all the brothers and sisters who
are truly sheep being abused and mistreated by this
medieval, megalomaniacal machine incorporated that speaks
grandiose things about itself while demeaning those who
would follow Christ if only shown how. I'm fully convinced
that the vast majority of R&F JWs are good people, they
want to do what is right and treat others right, and
want to follow a life based on the principles found
in the Scriptures.
Wheeew, glad I got that out.