JoinedPosts by iloowy
by whereami inthis person continues to try to discredit ray franz.
for a person that is not a jw he really does not give up.. .
Yes! 20+ years in my experience as a JW made me trust what he said was entirely true.
Go figure, I had to read Raymond Franz's books to really find the truth about the Watch Tower.
With regards.
Forbidden fruit
by is there help out there insince the wt control almost ever aspect of you life is there any food jw are forbidden to eat or play with.
"Cured Blood Sausage" that's
Boudin (in French),
Morcilla (in Spanish) and
Morcela (in Portuguese).
Considering his previous posts I'd say he's gone the deep end due to prolonged unfulfilled heated passionate daydreaming during meetings at the Kingdom Hall! Well, it's been known to cause serious cases even worse than mtsgrad seems to be experiencing... it could get worse, too!
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo ini had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial.
i talked about you mean ol' postates.
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
As StillX... has said there are no more "G" or "W" nor even "I" (improved) in the TMS.
There haven't been letters on performance for years now. Something's not right.
You either get to go to the next point or repeat this counsel point. Period.
Maybe the School O. might have said "good job" but nowadays nobody gets a "G" on their counsel page inside the "be" book.
With regards.
Wow, just seen Jan 09 Kingdom Ministry can they get any more controlling?
by eyeslice inwow, i've just seen my wife's copy of the jan 09 new format kingdom ministry.
can they get any more controlling?.
how to handle every part is detailed giving absolutely no room for any personal input or freedom to express any ideas other than copyrighted watchtower thinking.. .
Darth writes:
Think about it, you go to the hall sing a song and pray Cong BS, I imagine there will be another song than the school, guessing once more another song and service meeting closing song and prayer. It will be like going to an assembly every week. Only its at night, after a hard day at work or school.
Hey Darth.
There are only still three songs, one at the beginning of the Cong BS, then the meeting goes on through to the school without a song, then at the end of the school another song before the Serv Mtg. Then at the end of the meeting another song... so just three like before.
But notice that there's a trend to making parts shorter. The Governing Body got some educational advice that today's audiences need short parts with lots of chances to comment and be able to focus on different speakers every 10 minutes or so... errrhhh part of their new neuro-linguistic approach to meeting parts, let's say.
With regards.
reinstatement announcement
by isaacaustin indfing- "so and so is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
reinstatement- is it still "so and so has been reinstated"?.
I see you already found the quote... you beat me by a minute or so.
Take care, and warm regards.
reinstatement announcement
by isaacaustin indfing- "so and so is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
reinstatement- is it still "so and so has been reinstated"?.
Hey, I feel I have been reinstated on this forum after being shunned and not allowed to post on JWD.
The phrase in the OD book, page 157 is "[Name of person] is reinstated as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses."
With regards.
Author David Reed on the conference call Sat. Nov.22 7p.m.EST
by kool aid man06 inthis call is going to attract a lot of people, so dial in early to secure a line.
our special guest will be david reed, author of a number of books, including blood on the altar, answering jehovah's witnesses subject by subject,etc.david, a former elder, now widely recognized as a prominent authority on the jehovah's witnesses speaks out on how dangerous this cult is for causing the deaths of thousands of lives for adhering to the ever changing blood policies of the organization.
david has helped so many jehovah's witnesses to "pack their bags" and leave the org.
Hey Rick.
Thanks for posting your comment again in this thread.
My suggestion is that you make a comment about your having a person on the program who confirms being a 'witch' in a public forum while claiming to be a Roman Catholic in your conference. If you feel that you don't need to apologize for having her on the show and your intent was to throw crap at the Watchtower whether it was true or not then fine for you, but not fine for me. I don't want to listen to lies about the WT. I would hope your program would be about exposing the truth about the WT and why JWs should turn to Christ.
Would you not agree to that?
And again, my apologies in not having discussed this in private messages with you from the start. I jumped ahead and I apologize for that. Those who don't consider themselves Christians in this forum are telling me I'm whining about it. For me to be a Christian is not to dabble in the 'witching' and pagan ways. Others may wish to do otherwise. I can't, my conscience tells me no. I hope you understand.
With sincere regards.