Thanks for the testosterone input into the conversation Avishai and IP_Sec.
You may judge what I said as whining. I don't give a toot what you call it, "dudes".
Kool aid man06 seems more interested in throwing crap at the WT than exposing
the truth and that didn't sit right with me. The gal insisted she was the model
for the Live Forever book's picture when it was actually without a doubt a copy
of Pascale Petit's photo in Stern magazine, and you can read about it at JWS
Many parts of the story didn't add up for me. The SRA crap, quite inflamatory and
would turn away any JW wanting to find the truth about the WT... That's the
real problem I have with it. I'm all for exposing the WT for what it is but I'm not
for throwing crap around, you'll end up with stinky fingers. Rick does what he
wants, but his show is part of his upperroomministries throwing crap at others
can splatter back at you. Does he really want that?
I followed my conscience he obviously should follow his. You yours etc.
Peace out!