I am so sick of this subject I could puke right now. If you don't like the way things are handled than go somewhere else. Why bring up a subject that had FINALLY been put to rest?? I don't care how new I am but right is right and wrong is wrong. If you don't agree start your own board!!!!
As far as the discussion in chat----Well Fred as usual was playing the cat role and made reference to another "animal" figure in chat (i can't recall at the moment who it was), but just being funny I told him not to forget to say good-bye to the bitch in the room. When he asked who that would be, I said me. It was a joke and I left chat laughing about it. That had nothing to do with why he posted what he did specifically to me. Show the chat log I don't care.
Being refered to as a "holy grail" is out of line and in poor taste. I hope you were raised to be nicer to people then you are being right now. You talk about insults, but are more than willing to give them out to whoever disagrees with you (ie. little witch).
I think your problem is since you have been around a while and know alot of people here then the new people don't matter. The board was smaller when you first arrived and with anything--businesses,family,school, etc certain things need to change as there are more people to take into consideration.
So, I guess I need to toughen up huh?? Well, like you said, you don't know me and what I have been through---so I could say the same to you.
I am not angry and have made it public on the board in my own thread that I have been very sensitive lately, but unlike you the others on this board understand this. I wish you did and would like you to think of how some of the things you say can affect others since you are not the only one here. I understand people disagree, but what was said to me was vicious and I would have been equally upset if it had been said to you.
I don't think that what I have been through is worse than others who haven't been sexually abused, but it is a daily nightmare.
I have not lost someone(in death--the physical sense) close to me in my family and others here, many here have. I can't relate to or even try to understand what it is like to go through that, and abuse in any form (i have been through them all) is the same to others who haven't been through it.
I am a very strong person, but will not excuse someone or anyone to personally attack me for no reason, as I am sure you wouldn't.
I wasn't going to respond to this thread, but felt I needed to express myself, considering I have never-ever seen my name quoted sooooooooooooooooo many times.
This subject needs to be dropped, because of Fred's lack of humility the decision stands and you talking about it and your stand on it isn't going to change it.