The article above says
Bowen said he's not out to destroy the churchMr. Bowen, you accuse Watchtower lawyers of lying or at least misrepresenting the facts. I believe you are also a liar in the above quote.
I looked through your previous posts to see if you were genuine or not. Although I am in favor of the reporting of child abuse to the authorities, I am not in favor of someone who is out to get the Watchtower and using victims of child abuse for his personal cause.
So let us analyze if you lied in the Paducah Sun article:
You said in a previous thread on this board:
I see no purpose in serving again as an elder in a totally corrupt organization that makes the lucid choice to perpetrate a policy that hurts children.Corrupt organization? Does this not sound like someone who is out to destroy the church?
it is good for wicked arrogant men to think they answer to no one, as the fall to reality will be much harder. Can you hear that sound Governing Body? It is the sound of hard ground rushing up to smack you in the face.This quote proves without a doubt your true intentions, destroying the church.
I recently received my personal United Nations letter from the WT with their explanation of the matter.Now if your sole purpose in your fight is against Watchtower policy regarding silentlambs, why do you now get involved in the UN thing? Is this not another sign that you are out to destroy the church for personal reasons?
Jehovah's Witnesses are unique they appear on the surface to be so righteous yet underneath support wicked acts.This is a very strong statement about JWs in general. What happened to just focusing on the child abuse issue?
Here is other proof at your true intentions. In a post you claimed:
1. Ted Jaracz
2. Daniel Sydlik
3. Fred Franz
4. Ewart Chitty
5. Leo Greenlees
These men all have something in common, can you guess what it is?
Then you add:
the most obvious answer would be, they served on the governing body. unfortunately that is not the answer i am looking for, as far as the real answer is concerned, all i can say is that everyone will know in the not to distant future. are you listening wt??
You further state:
so all i can say is just a little while longer and the wicked......wait that is a scripture. just have a little patience and soon i will be saying "DOUBT NOT" again.
This is what is commonly called “slander”. Somehow you are trying to stain the reputation of Ted Jaracz, Daniel Sydlik and Fred Franz by suggesting they are involved in some sort of sin.
I would have to guess that you are referring to child abuse. Is that not your cause? You give no proof of your allegations. How does this help the silentlambs?
Than you accuse the Watchtower of
satanic ritual abuse within the wt organization
A poster asks you:
That's very serious. Kind of shocking. Its the first i ever heard of the wt being in touch w this type of stuff.
I am curious though, if satan is actually spoken of by name or w a picture or image in these rituals?
And you answer:
Name was used along with symbols and specifc instruments.
Again, I have to ask. How does this false accusation help the silentlambs? Is this not another attempt on your part to discredit the church? Proving once again that you lied to the reporter.
In yet another post you say:
It will be Aramageddon for WT
Mr. Bowen again you show what you really want to happen to the Watchtower.
You also posted:
WT will always have the upper hand and will beat you down with self-destructive behavior. You have to break free of the programming, seize the real truth that you are what you think. What you think of yourself, your family and how you interact with others will show whether you possess in your character the honor and integrity WT has tried to destroy.Mr. Bowen, you are showing that you are just one more common apostate out to destroy the Watchtower by insinuating that JWs are programmed. Again, why did you lie to the reporter?
And finally when you find that the Watchtower Branch in London did something correct, you now sarcastically try to down play it and make fun of that fact by saying:
The British brothers are apostate. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I can no longer cover for them anymore. The BOE letters from Britain clearly show as far back as 1992 the brothers there chose to encourage the witnesses in England to go to the police first on child molestation issues.So Witnesses finally do something right, and you ridicule this.
Are you fighting for the silentlambs, or using them as bait to bring the Watchtower down?