I think Terry protests too much.
JoinedPosts by passwordprotected
DO you follow any of these quacks, charlatans, liars, mystics or self-promoters?
by Terry indon't try to lie about it.
you accept some of these people as an authority.
you listen to them.
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
lol I have to go pick up my grandparents, run errands, go to doctor's appointments, and do much less esoteric things than this conversation involves. I hope you all enjoy the debate. ;)
It's been fun! I too have life to get back to. It's been illuminating also. Catch you guys in 6 months or so. Have a good one.
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
It can be 1... or it can be a square block of wood.
Does it ever equal 3?
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
My point is that there is always a middle ground.
Sorry, there is no middle ground with logic.
Otherwise, how would we know anything.
I'm not convinced you guys have thought this through.
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
Terry, who's talking about God? Btw, what's 1x1x1?
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
OnTheWayOut, you're admitting that your worldview is contradictory. If that unsettles you, I can understand that. But please, move beyond using loaded questions and informal fallacies.
If you wish to presuppose I beat my wife, and you do so without any evidence, then you're taking a leap of faith. That being said, your argument against what I'm asking is turning into an ad hominem one and as a result is substantially weakened.
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
When was it proven that the choices you made available were the only choices available?
Either that's profoundly clever - so clever, in fact, that I can't understand it - or it just doesn't make sense. Either all that exists is matter (i.e. things that take up space) or not. The law of excluded middle means that you have to picks a side. And yes, those are the only choices available; either the stuff on this planet that we can pick up and measure, move around and break, is all there is. Or it's not.
And if people here are going to argue cogently, it may be worthwhile avoiding informal fallacies like "when did you stop beating your wife". It's a tired, narrow argument that perhaps reflects the mindset of those who use it. And I mean that with love.
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
When I pick up a bible I see letters and number which are codes.
Woah, when did the Bible come into the discussion?
Rational people may be sane. But they can't explain anything....
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
BTW, did you stop being beating your wife yet?
When was it proven that I'd even beaten her? Again with the loaded questions? Seriously, guys, hanging around this forum is making you flaccid and lazy in your arguments.
Can you be an atheist and believe in logic and maths?
by passwordprotected inatheists are, by definition, naturalistic materialists; i.e.
they believe that only the physical universe exists, only the nature exists therefore there is no supernatural and certainly no god.. can you, therefore, be an atheist but believe in logic and maths?
they're also not made of matter.. is it true to say, then, that the atheist worldview is contradictory?
So you're actually saying that the laws of science are made of matter? Or you're suggesting that it's my responsibility to prove that they are? That's bizarre. Good luck with it!