The sin of Sodom wasn't homosexuality or sexual depravity.
Ezekiel 16:49 says it was being arrogant, greedy, overfed and having no regard for the poor or needy.
That's more in line with Jesus than it is with fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity. So, which is right?
As for Lot and his willingness to let his daughters be raped, that speaks more about the man than it does about God. Genesis is documenting what happened, but doesn't make any moral commentary on it.
God saved Lot and his kin, not because of how righteous they were, but because of his grace.
God doesn't hate gay people; he hates arrogant fat arses who don't give a damn about the poor. This is borne out by the prophets who continually warned Israel, not about their disregard for the Law, but about their lack of social justice. And in the life of Jesus, who didn't condemn anyone for their sexuality, but who spoke up for the poor, marginalised and down-trodden in society.
How come so many "students of the Bible" miss that?