I'll start off.
I don't believe anything is divine about bible writings. I believe there may be some marginal history although not much. I think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the Old Testament. I think after the Jews returned to their homeland and pieced together a consensus most of it had been strongly corrupted by the Babylonian exile.
The NT has nothing divine.
I don't think any of the things which got written down were actual quotations. They were reconstructions like FAN FICTIONS purporting to dramatize the word of mouth stories about a mystical, magical messiah named Yeshuah.
I don't think even the epistles (which probably came first before the Gospels) were considered "inspired" and so nobody bothered to protect the "autograph manuscript orginals." Gradually an aura of divinity came to be ascribed.
Sort of like Van Gogh's paintings. You couldn't give them away for years and then they gathered a cachet of "genius" and are now priceless.
There is no divine communication between God and man.
It is a fiction of the church.
Now, how about YOU? Break it down for us.