What a lot of shite Pierce talks, if the summaries of the AGM I've read are to be believed; "new light", "questions answered", "new Bible truths". Bollocks.
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Videos of a few key moments from the Annual Meeting
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imfuiaeg820.
A question for elders and former elders who have served on JCs
by slimboyfat inbased on your experience of judicial committees, how would you advise someone who is due to meet with the elders and has asked for the best way to avoid being disfellowshipped?
is denying everything ever a successful strategy?
does addressing a letter to the elders threatening legal action if they disfellowship ever work?
They were given a private reproof, IIRC.
A question for elders and former elders who have served on JCs
by slimboyfat inbased on your experience of judicial committees, how would you advise someone who is due to meet with the elders and has asked for the best way to avoid being disfellowshipped?
is denying everything ever a successful strategy?
does addressing a letter to the elders threatening legal action if they disfellowship ever work?
I should add, the one and only JC I was on was for pre-marital sex.
The young guy involved wasn't showing any repentance, in fact he was very straight faced and almost sullen. However, bear in mind that one of the elders on the committee with me had interrogated his wife as to what they'd done sexually together, how her then boyfriend (now husband) had touched her and whether she'd enjoyed it.
What the fuck? They'd already admitted "wrongdoing".
So it was understandable that the young guy probably wanted to rip our throats out for reducing his wife to a sobbing wreck, the arseholes that we were.
Once she'd left the room I pointed out to the guy that we were looking for repentance and that he'd need to help us out as he wasn't really showing us any.
What a dick I was.
A question for elders and former elders who have served on JCs
by slimboyfat inbased on your experience of judicial committees, how would you advise someone who is due to meet with the elders and has asked for the best way to avoid being disfellowshipped?
is denying everything ever a successful strategy?
does addressing a letter to the elders threatening legal action if they disfellowship ever work?
It depends on the person and elders handling the JC. More importantly, though, it depends on what the JC has been called for.
The #1 thing they're looking for is repentance, and that can be "proven" through a variety of ways.
If the charge is apostasy, the #1 thing they're looking for is prove that the person believes the WTBTS is Jehovah's one true organisation on earth and that the person believes that the FDS is being used by Jehovah on earth.
Get the person the Flock book so that they can review the sections on how to handle JCs. This will equip them with exactly what the elders will be looking for.
My JW best friend is bringing a 'heavy' around to my house to talk some sense into me.
by Julia Orwell ini agreed, if only because i want to see my friend of many years.
the 'heavy' is a large, imposing man with a booming voice and is a creature of the gb through and thru (eg only visited his dfd dad on his death bed because it was a 'good witness' to the hospital staff) and i'm feeling stressed about seeing him.
i so badly wanted to see my friend though, i agreed without thinking and now wish i hadn't have.
Write a letter of disassociation and start living life. These people aren't worth the stress.
by Suspicious ini guess i'm new here.
born in and an ms. things just hasn't been making sense the more i think about it.
i'm starting to get suspicious.
Hi Suspicious.
Like you, I was a born in. Progressed through the ranks, married in the "faith", had two kids and was raising them as good JWs. Eventually I was appointed as an elder.
My waking up process is documented on this very website, if you're interested.
I wanted to hold on to the idea of a loving, heavenly "Father" god, and wanted to hold onto the Bible as being the way to learn about life, morals, the condition of the dead etc.
After leaving the Watchtower, my wife and I joined a local church and were baptised. We threw ourselves into our new faith.
However, I began to struggle with the notions of an all-powerful god, the accuracy of the Bible and the idea of faith itself, namely faith leads people to claim to KNOW stuff, which is the exact opposite of what faith is supposed to be.
My research eventually led me to being very comfortable to state I DO NOT KNOW whether there's a god or not.
I DO KNOW that the Bible is a collection of books, poems, fables and history collected together in one volume many, many years after it was supposedly written.
I DO KNOW that the Gospels were written decades after Jesus is supposed to have wandered Galilea.
I DO KNOW that there's virtually no evidence outside of the Gospels that Jesus even existed.
I DO KNOW that losing faith is a great thing, not something to be feared (as I once did).
My advice to you is not to pin your future decisions on the Bible being true and reliable or that there is an all-powerful creator god, but to find a path that brings you happiness in life, without having to have all of life's questions figured out (the way religion often promises).
[edited for spelling]
Survey: Who here is an atheist? Who here still believes in God?
by Christ Alone ini just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
I don't believe in any anthopromorphic notion of a all-powerful god guy.
Intellectually I'm an atheist. Culturally I'm agnostic.
Interesting discussion with some Witnesses at my door today
by jwfacts ini moved to a new home about 6 months ago, so am no longer on a do not call list, but have not been contacted by jw's yet.
i didn't even know which territory i am in.
i asked again what congregation and he told me.
Fantastic, Paul, well handled.
I too am in a place where I feel it's cruel to try and take away the blissful delusion religious people are under...
Is going from the JWs to another Religion just a "Rebound?"
by braincleaned in*a rebound is the need to fill a void with something we partly had confort in; whether in romance or faith.... .
i posted the following in another thread, and i welcome your feedback - especially if you disagree with my logic.
"as per one of my notes, my biggest fear is my, our, natural tendency for confirmation bias.
I can answer the question of the OP in a word. Yes.
Updating the NWT again
by nicsfreedom ini could not believe my ears when my father told me recently that his circuit overseer (2 weeks ago) said that there are 5 scriptures that the society is going to revise.
has anyone else heard of this?
if any of them have to with jesus i am going to tell my parents to run not walk out the kingdom hall, yikes!
The changes - if true - will have nothing to do with Jesus and or/diety.
The Governing Body aren't interested in proving or debunking anything to do with Jesus.
All the Body is interested in is cementing their position as leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses into the conscious and sub-conscious of every JW. Therefore, if the changes are true, expect them to be related to the authority and position of the Governing Body.