JoinedPosts by passwordprotected
"And what happened next was simply unbelievable!"
by Terry ini always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
Terry wins the internet. -
G.B. & J.W.'s Becoming Clap-Happy
by The Searcher inat the regional convention (national!!
) for scotland, mark sanderson elicited 13 rounds of applause during his closing talk, (for the least little things!
) plus a final one for his closing prayer!
At my last convention (2008) Emma Kilgour, a teenager from Kirkintilloch, was interviewed on stage because she'd refused to attend a birthday party for a girl in her class. She was applauded for this.
But a bit of background on the story.
The girl whose birthday party it was had terminal cancer. This would be her last birthday on the planet. So a large party had been organised to both mark her birthday, and celebrate her short life*.
Emma explained this as she shared the experience.
But the JW spin on it was that this was a tough experience for Emma to go through. To be invited to - and refuse - a party to celebrate the life of a girl who was going to die soon.
She was applauded for remaining faithful to Jehovah's clear command in the Bible not to attend birthday parties (insert non-existent scripture here).
Emma got more applause when she explain her strong stance on having very little association with her father who isn't a Jehovah's Witness. Her parents were divorced, she lived with her JW mother. And she was praised for adhering to Jehovah's clear admonition to have little contact with non-JW parents (insert non-existent scripture here).
Jehovah's Witnesses applaud and praise human beings who behave in the most inhumane ways possible. What a fine witness.
*The mother of the girl who died happened to be my oldest son's school teacher at the time. I ended up discussing this instance of Emma refusing to attend the girl's last party with a friend of the teacher. Turns out it was a shockingly bad witness; people were appalled at the religion for having this position. And I happened to mention that Emma was interviewed at the convention and praised on stage - and by the thousands in attendance - for her stance. Needless to say this person's view of the religion didn't improve.
Bumbling idiots..... RC & JW broadcast
by snare&racket inone of the contributing factors to me leaving was the realisation we were being led by idiots.
bethel life reinforced that, middle aged ego's trying to suck up to brooklyn.
ray franz book was a final nail for me, because he described the same incompetence along with the same ego's.
The catalyst for me waking up and ultimately investigating what I'd been taught to believe my whole life was the Governing Body's collective head coming above the parapet.
This was in the letter where they announced the termination of home book study groups. The letter was headed "The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses", and for first time in my 36 years as a JW I was forced to question who these guys actually were.
I cannot be alone in this; when they hid behind the esoteric "faithful and discreet slave" concept, you didn't associate this idea with 7 or 8 old guys in New York.
But since 2008 they've been pushing themselves more and more into the spotlight, lapping up the "we love you"s and adulation from the faithful. However at the same time, you can't help but think that doing so is exposing the men behind the curtain to those who might be already questioning their whole Jehovah's Witness experience.
Australian branch office representatives.
by username inon listening to day 7 of the hearing i was amazed at the serious lack of knowledge in the bible, did anyone else notice this?
They know enough about the Bible to uphold their beliefs and practices. In terms of understanding the Bible as a religious text, an historical text and a philosophical text, they have no knowledge. But that doesn't matter to them, the Bible is merely a footnote to their position that the Governing Body speaks on behalf of God on earth. -
Confidentiality. Confidentiality. Confidentiality. RC Hearing Day 5
by passwordprotected inconfidentiality.
how many times does ron de rooy state the importance of jehovah's witnesses being confidential?.
The JW elders consciously or unconsciously lay a certain level of blame at the victim.
One of the elders (the tall thin guy with grey hair) wrote in a letter to the branch that the abuser had been counselled for his "uncleaness" when he had sexually abused a young girl who was a friend of his daughters. However, in the letter he noted that the girl was in the habit of wandering around the abuser's home dressed in her nightwear.
Angus Stewart picked up on this and questioned why there needed to be any mention of this in the letter.
Because the JWs couldn't believe the elder abuser was 100% to blame for abusing the girl. The girl had to have some responsibility.
Just wrote my DA letter....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i planned on fading but the elders now want a shepherding call and we are just done.
i know that many play the game to try to stay in, but i'm not a game player and neither is my wife.
our families already shun us because we reached out to a disfellowshipped family member.
I was asked to write a letter of DA, but I refused. A letter is what they require, and what they require was of no interest to me. -
Confidentiality. Confidentiality. Confidentiality. RC Hearing Day 5
by passwordprotected inconfidentiality.
how many times does ron de rooy state the importance of jehovah's witnesses being confidential?.
It's all about their perception of women, men and elders and the differences there-in.
The elders, being the appointed guardians of the congregation can do what they wish, discuss what they want with whom they want.
The sisters need to keep their busybody mouths shut and mind their business.
Confidentiality. Confidentiality. Confidentiality. RC Hearing Day 5
by passwordprotected inconfidentiality.
how many times does ron de rooy state the importance of jehovah's witnesses being confidential?.
Confidentiality. How many times does Ron de Rooy state the importance of Jehovah's Witnesses being confidential?
He even "counselled" BCG to keep quiet about her abuse, not discussing it with others, even though her father had by now been disfellowshipped, citing a scripture about "gossip".
Why did he do this to a victim of horrific incestuous abuse?
But who's confidentiality? That of BCG? To protect her from the awkwardness or embarrassment of sharing with others in the Jehovah's Witness congregation?
Watch the video. You'll learn that it was the confidentiality of BCH, the abuser. Even though he had now been disfellowshipped for "loose conduct" and lying (not sexual abuse). Even at this stage the elders were more concerned with keeping his actions quiet, with the potential "dragging of Jehovah's name through the mud" than they were of the young woman whose life had been destroyed at the hands of her father.
This is staggering.
Jehovah's Witnesses: this is your religion. This is your paradise. These are your "spirit appointment" men, your places of shelter.
Another Elder has developed amnesia.
by umbertoecho inthe elder just being questioned is yet another sly manufacturer of deceit and the use of theocratic warfare.. how can these men say the can't remember when it's their own letters, their own implemented policies.
hell, it's their own books and magazines the commission is using, along with internal letters etc.
another dry mouth he sat up all alone and experienced first hand the faith building experience of ....speaking with a thick tongue as all his juices dried up.........
de Rooy is now saying he was sickened by what BCG's father did to her, yet he's just said he can't remember what her allegations where.
Busted, you lying piece of cult-worshipping crap.
Another Elder has developed amnesia.
by umbertoecho inthe elder just being questioned is yet another sly manufacturer of deceit and the use of theocratic warfare.. how can these men say the can't remember when it's their own letters, their own implemented policies.
hell, it's their own books and magazines the commission is using, along with internal letters etc.
another dry mouth he sat up all alone and experienced first hand the faith building experience of ....speaking with a thick tongue as all his juices dried up.........
I'm watching Ron de Rooy's testimony now, and his memory is unbelievably bad, even the Justice seems to be stunned by his lack of recollection.
However, even if an event of this nature happened 25+ years ago, I find it very odd that these men "can't recall" being told horrific allegations of incestuous abuse. Surely these would remain in your memory due to their shocking and upsetting nature.