Posts by passwordprotected

  • jambon1

    How long did you stay active after having major doubts?

    by jambon1 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    for me, i had doubts from the beginning.

    however, my 1st major doubt came as i had it confirmed that other people felt like i did about certain big issues within the org.

    there were many, i realised, that just knew things were not right.

    1. NewYork44M
    2. LongHairGal
    3. truthseeker
  • passwordprotected

    8 weeks or so. I'd always had some doubts, but just filed them away like most JWs. However, a series of things happened very quickly that pushed me into a position of studying the Bible and realising that the WTS teachings were bogus. A slow fade wasn't going to be possible for me for a variety of reasons, so I just stopped going. I didn't plan on making that decision public, but my hand was forced.