Stunning arrogance. Keep on tightening the grip.
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2011 Yearkbook - Provisions through the Governing Body
by pirata inexcerpts from the 2011 yearbook highlights of the past year:.
tracing all things with accuracy.
(p.9) jesus said that the faithful slave would be discreet in giving the domestics "their food at the proper time".
Does Genesis 19 condemn Homosexuality?
by brotherdan inthere are many "proof" texts that people (including jws) use to justify their rejection of anyone that is gay.
there are a few scriptures that you can pull up and try to make a case for show homosexuals why they are evil and wrong.. i've been researching more of these scriptures and i'm coming to some very different conclusions than many other christians hold, especially jws.
i wanted to talk about the first text used by many people to condemn homosexual behaviour.
It is disingenuous to say that the city was destroyed because of lack of hospitality.
If the explanation for the destruction of Sodom, namely its sin or lack of righteousness, is explained in the Bible, how is it disingenuous to hold to that view?
Perhaps we struggle in our post-Watchtower pit of confusion to see that homosexuality might not be the ire-inducing crime the Governing Body (and mainstream, "orthodox", evangelicals) says it is. My understanding of Jesus is that he was always more concerned about social justice than sexual sin. His righteousness reflected that of the Father, therefore the Father is angered and upset by the poor and needy being ignored or abused. And that was what was going on in Sodom.
Does Genesis 19 condemn Homosexuality?
by brotherdan inthere are many "proof" texts that people (including jws) use to justify their rejection of anyone that is gay.
there are a few scriptures that you can pull up and try to make a case for show homosexuals why they are evil and wrong.. i've been researching more of these scriptures and i'm coming to some very different conclusions than many other christians hold, especially jws.
i wanted to talk about the first text used by many people to condemn homosexual behaviour.
The sin of Sodom wasn't homosexuality or sexual depravity.
Ezekiel 16:49 says it was being arrogant, greedy, overfed and having no regard for the poor or needy.
That's more in line with Jesus than it is with fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity. So, which is right?
As for Lot and his willingness to let his daughters be raped, that speaks more about the man than it does about God. Genesis is documenting what happened, but doesn't make any moral commentary on it.
God saved Lot and his kin, not because of how righteous they were, but because of his grace.
God doesn't hate gay people; he hates arrogant fat arses who don't give a damn about the poor. This is borne out by the prophets who continually warned Israel, not about their disregard for the Law, but about their lack of social justice. And in the life of Jesus, who didn't condemn anyone for their sexuality, but who spoke up for the poor, marginalised and down-trodden in society.
How come so many "students of the Bible" miss that?
I need a show of hands: who believes the Bible and to what extent?
by Terry ini'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
Who believes the Bible about what?
In most respects I agree with Syl. The Church has created a monster, in some ways, with how they handle the Bible. Words like "authority" and "inerrant" don't help anyone.
This is perhaps the funniest thing you will ever see on this forum
by Hobo Ken in
"Failed haberdasher"; I coined that. You owe me 50p.
I asked my best friend how the GB makes its decsions last night...
by dontplaceliterature inmy best friend does not know about my recent mental defection from the watchtower, but i am having trouble keeping my feelings from him, last night, i asked my him if he thought the governing body was always in 100% agreement about every policy/doctrine decision they make.
" i asked him how he thought they went about making those decisions and he said that, "they probably discuss it as a group, research it, read the bible together, and discuss it some more until they come to a conclusion...just like a boe would when deciding a judicial matter.
" i said: "don't you think that if they were jehovah's 'mouth-piece' and they are indeed being guided by jesus christ and holy spirit, that there would be no doubt about what the right course of action is?
The Governing Body can't even make its mind up who appoints the elders.
April WT is out. Blood, FDS, moses & crazy stuff...
by bohm inthe april wt is out, get it while you can.
what caught my attention was the first article.
some quotes:.
Just to be clear, Moses didn't lead the Israelites into the promised land. Joshua did.
Also, the Bible (Hebrews 3:3) makes it clear that Jesus is the greater fulfilment of Moses. The Governing Body have lost the plot on this one. -
April WT is out. Blood, FDS, moses & crazy stuff...
by bohm inthe april wt is out, get it while you can.
what caught my attention was the first article.
some quotes:.
This is further proof of GB 2.0 ratcheting up the control in the build up to 2014.
Blogged my thoughts here.
The Wealth of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society In The UK !!
by Hairyhegoat injust found these figures for the uk circut assembly halls and my jaw dropped when i saw how much money they all have in the bank!!.
here are some stats from the uk, well start off with some of the uk assembly halls.. .
the surrey assembly hall of jehovahs witnesses is sitting with just under a cool 4 million in the bank.
Not all of those assets are tied to property. If you read the reports carefully you see that in some cases the assembly halls are sitting on £millions in CASH.
It's on my blog, btw -
Let's study the Organization and dress up like Rutherford!
by Rank&FileGuy instudy the bible on family worship night?
let's study the organization and dress up like rutherford!
Macmillan wrote about it in his book.
Thus we see that those of the temple class are clearly designated as the Lord's witnesses at this time, to bring a message of consolation to the people, that the Kingdom of heaven is here, and that millions now living will never die. Thus it is seen that God purposes that his name shall be magnified, that the people shall know that he is Lord. Thus we see that God purposes to have a people in the earth in this time of stress, clearly marked as separate and distinct from all others, standing as his witnesses, fearlessly crying out the message: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand!" . . .
For six thousand years God has been preparing for this kingdom. For nineteen hundred years he has been gathering out the kingdom class from amongst men. Since 1874 the King of glory has been present; and during that time he has conducted a harvest and has gathered unto himself the temple class. Since 1914 the King of glory has taken his power and reigns. He has cleansed the lips of the temple class and sends them forth with the message. The importance of the message of the kingdom cannot be overstated. It is the message of all messages. It is the message of the hour. It is incumbent upon those who are the Lord's to declare it. The kingdom of heaven is at hand; the King reigns; Satan's empire is falling; millions now living will never die.... The world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. This is the day of all days. Behold, the King reigns! You are his publicity agents. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom!
Suddenly, as these words filled the auditorium, a platform length banner was unfurled that echoed the stirring phrase: "Advertise the King and Kingdom."
A mighty shout went up from the assembly. Here was our answer.