The ditching of the book study groups and the "rising gas prices" reason.
I was an elder at the time and heard the pain from people who's only association was the little tea-drinking time spent in the private homes where the BSGs were held. I couldn't understand why the Governing Body would state "gas prices" as a reason to abandon the BSG arrangement, which just a few months earlier had been praised in the Kingdom Ministry.
I heard about the GBs letter through the grapvine before the body of elders had had it read to them. Icouldn't believe they were doing this, so I went online and Googled it (why? No idea now...) and came across an apostate blog. I glanced at some of the articles and seeds were sown.
I decided to try to look after my own spirituality, and that of my family, by reading the Bible more. This opened up more questions in my mind, and within a couple of weeks my life fell apart.
I resigned as an elder and quit the meetings. The whole process took about 2 months. I DAd within 6 months. Free ever since.