Well UP I respect your comments, and somewhat agree with you even though, no, that isn't what any gay person wants to hear. lol.
Deep deep down, I wonder if I am displeasing God. No, he didn't make women with women, he made man and woman. But he also didn't intend for man to rape, beat, or manipulate woman. He made us with choices. It isn't my choice to feel this way, this is how I've always felt.
Your illustration was an interesting one and you make a point, however, in this day and age, do you really think God is going to destroy all the gays, and people who don't go to 'church'? That would amount to an aweful lot of people. I use to feel that all who were not JW were going to die at armageddon. To me, and maybe this is a wrong attitude, but if I'm not a JW, I feel I just want to live my life the best I can to try to be honerable to God. But I refuse to live with a man and be in a relationship that makes me feel the way I feel when I am in that relationship. I could almost liken it to you being forced to live with and have relations with another man. That would make you feel dirty, wierd, and very 'not normal'. That is how I feel when I am with a man.
I agree that it wasn't Gods intent, but I don't think or I should say I'm trying to help make myself beleive that he still loves me. I don't feel I have to have religion as it is man made. At this point, what is real anymore? After finding out the truth about the truth, I almost want to give up on everything, as there are too many false things in this world. I never use to feel this way, but as long as I'm a good person, and try my best, I feel at Armageddon time, God can help me correct my heart, something I cannot do. If he understands, then maybe just like everyone else, us gays will have a chance to feel the way God wants us to. It isn't a behavior for me. It's the only way I can be. It isn't the act of sex that keeps me in this relationship, it is the love two people share.
I know I may hope to find biblical support, and there isn't any. really. But also, Jesus himself never said anything about homosexuality.
Love I have which is the greates quality. I hope this in time is good enough....