sorry i did have a post that doubled twice, this one didn't show up Refer to my other one
JoinedPosts by lostsheep82
Jesus name vs Jehovah's name
by lostsheep82 ini have wondered lately, why there is soooo much controvery in the 'pronunciation' or spelling of god's name jehovah.
to my knowledge, i haven't heard of any 'question' on jesus christs name, meaning or spelling.
why if he's the almighty god, is there a question to his name meaning and spelling, and not his son's?.
I have wondered lately, why there is soooo much controvery in the 'pronunciation' or spelling of God's name Jehovah. to my knowledge, i haven't heard of any 'question' on Jesus Christs name, meaning or spelling. Why if he's the Almighty God, is there a question to HIS name meaning and spelling, and not his son's?
i hope I'm describing my question properly, please no stupid comments except for OUTLAW lol.
I really wondered about this. not just within the religion but period, there has always been question about God's name, but not his son to my knowledge...
Elders manual-WTF?
by lostsheep82 inkay, being a 'sister' obviously an elders manual was out of our reach and still is to all the sisters and non-elders.
but i started reading it, and like within 3 minutes noticed something wrong!.
during the meeting, closely examine the.
Elders manual-WTF?
by lostsheep82 inkay, being a 'sister' obviously an elders manual was out of our reach and still is to all the sisters and non-elders.
but i started reading it, and like within 3 minutes noticed something wrong!.
during the meeting, closely examine the.
Kay, being a 'sister' obviously an Elders manual was out of our reach and still is to all the sisters and non-elders. BUT I started reading it, and like within 3 minutes noticed something wrong!
P 30/31:
During the meeting, closely examine the
Scriptural qualiftcations of brothers who may
qualify, and make sure that the brother being considered
measures up to a reasonable degree. Pray for
God's spirit to guide you. (wOl 1/15 p. 14 par. 13)Governing Body and representatives rely heavily
upon your good judgment and spiritual discernment
in making your recommendations.
“As a general rule he should have well behaved minor children, who are believing. They should be either progressing towards dedication to
God, or already be baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses. The scriptural qualification involves having ‘children in subjection with all seriousness’ (1 Tim 3:4) The conduct of adult children still living in the home also reflects upon him. W90 9/1 p. 25 par. 7; w88 3/1 p. 24 par. 5
This is so fucked up! the statements describe what qualifies you as an elder. the first statement was about the meeting the other Elders have with a newly intrested Elder so to speak or someone wanting to become an elder. what bothers me with this ONE statement which makes the whole book rubbish to me, is that if the GB are sooooo spirit anointed, and directed by Jehovah, why do they have to 'rely' on the other elders 'good judgment and spiritual discernment' in making their recommendations. This statement ALONE in my opinion, cancells out the rule of the GB apointing Elders through holy spirit. WTF!
Also, "As a genaral rule he should have well behaved minor shildren, who are believeing1" So on top of the fact that it isn't the Holy spirit that guides the GB to apoint an elder, his kids have to believe all the bullshit the society publishes? fcuk, an elder has to jump through his own hoops to become an elder.
Im on page 31 and I'm already very discruntled! Excuse my spelling at times it's early in the am and I'm severly hungover!
Sayings of Everlasting Life heard "Nowhere Else" but in JW Organization?
by InterestedOne ini just finished reading the 9/15/2010 wt study edition article for nov 8-14, and the last few sentences of paragraph 7 on page 18 jumped out at me.
referring to the "one association" which i assume means the jw organization, the author says "... where else can we turn?
nowhere else can we hear the sayings of everlasting life.
Welcome IO
Keep reading and digging, but eventually your study 'teachers' will probably stop the study. They want to teach and persuade YOU, not the other way around. They always get wierd when someone fights back with legit questions, it stumps them because it wasn't something covered at the Theocratic Ministry School. That's where they are taught 'how' to preach so to speak and what to say, and how to turn around questions and answer them. It's quite robotic if you ask me. I was born and raised and when I use to go door to door and someone would ask a question beyond what I was 'prepared' to say at the door, I was stumped. I didn't know the answer, hence it provokes a 'return visit'. A return visit is a good thing to have on your time card when you send it in every month, it looks good on a JW!
The whole system is so backwards from what Jesus taught and meant. I wish you all the luck in your journey...
My daughter knows.
by easyreader1970 inmonday night.
service meeting.. we're sitting there and my daughter (9-years-old) is sitting between my wife and i. my wife doesn't like it when she sits between us but my kids argue alot.
so we keep two kids at opposite ends and one in the middle.. out of the blue, she taps me on the shoulder and whispers: "daddy, are you an atheist?".
Interesting: Can you tell me where I could find evidence in a WT that they don't deny the Big Bang theory?
That's something Im interested in because I don't deny that evolution is a natural process, but I do believe in God and creation. The entire universe though, there's so much out there who's to know hay
But interesting to find something about them admitting to a big bang theory would be great!
Mental torture
by stuckinamovement init is pretty interesting to see the mental, emotional and physical impact that people have when realize the teachings of the org are lies.
i am not going to name any names or point fingers but i can say i have tremendous empathy for those who are recently aware.. let me splane,.
now that i know about the lies that i have been taught and subsequently taught people myself, i have become like a lost person.
I understand completely! Even though I KNOW it's not the 'truth', I find it hard to shake EVERYTHING I've ever known. I mean I can't even talk about religion or God cause I feel like I don't know anything anymore. I don't know what's real and what's not. I think a lot of us resort to drinking. It's not the answer, but it does silence the brain. I find I get so anxious and obsessed with figuring out WHY this isn't the truth. All I ask constantly is WHY? It's almost like the first 20 years of my life was a dream, now waking up to reality.
Reality is better then the dream but it's still hard.
Watchtower is voice of Jehovah
by lostsheep82 ini don't know how to copy and paste properly on here but i stopped research almost a year ago.
started reading a few things in magazines again cause my mom is harping on me about the new jan 2011 watchtower stating that jw's are only true religion.
then i found this quote in sept 15, 2010 wt page 13 para 8.
@ OUTLAW-very funny!
I guess frustration just over takes me with this religion. I made my decision not to go back, because I don't believe it, but I have this nagging drive to help those that are still in. Makes me want to scream how they control peoples lives.
Watchtower is voice of Jehovah
by lostsheep82 ini don't know how to copy and paste properly on here but i stopped research almost a year ago.
started reading a few things in magazines again cause my mom is harping on me about the new jan 2011 watchtower stating that jw's are only true religion.
then i found this quote in sept 15, 2010 wt page 13 para 8.
I don't know how to copy and paste properly on here but I stopped research almost a year ago. Started reading a few things in magazines again cause my mom is harping on me about the new Jan 2011 Watchtower stating that JW's are only true religion. Then I found this quote in Sept 15, 2010 WT page 13 para 8. "Thus, what is taught is not from men, but Jehovah". I can't believe they still write that. I called my mom and argued over this. How could they say that what the WT writes is from Jehovah. I am going in circles here because they are trying to replace God and Jesus IMO. They state in so many places, that we NEED the WT and the organization to mediate and I say Jesus is the only mediator, and they twist it. Is there any way of making these people realize SOMETHING? ANYTHING? Everythign I throw at them, they dispute. My mom runs to my step dad who is very well versed in the bible and then they reply back going, "read the rest of the article, in pentacost 33 the faithful slave was anointed....yada yada" but they don't answer HOW THEY KNOW that in 1914 they were anointed? I mean, I thought they got rid of the 1914 thing, but it's right back in the WT! I DON'T GET IT!
It still frustrates me the BS they publish in the magazines. Makes me want to cry!
the apostles and older men who were in Je-rusalem."—Acts 15:6, 19-22; 16:4.
8 Similarly today, a Governing Body com-posed of spirit-anointed Christians contrib-utes to the unity of the worldwide con-gregation. The Governing Body publishesspiritually encouraging literature in manylanguages. This spiritual food is based onGod’s Word. Thus, what is taught is notfrom men but from Jehovah.—Isa. 54:13.
9 Christian overseers also promote unity