kay, my mom did buy me a skirt for the meetings from a second hand store. It was by far the creepiest thing ever. My blinds would blow, but my window was closed. That was the first night, the second night i saw a man in my room by my door, wearing a red sweater, black pants and a beard, it was sooooo creepy. i stared at him forlike an hour, praying to Jehovah, and saying Jehovah's name out loud because my mom always said the demons shutter....well this fucker wouldn't go away!!!! I scremed for my mom, she was too scared to come, so I ran....as I ran i looked at him, and he followed me with his eyes, it was sooooo creepy. I was like 8. I swore he was a real man because he wouldn't go away,but he was kinda transparrent. Anyways i ran to my moms room, she threw the skirt out, and no more problems.
It wasn't a pleasant experience by far.