Hi Bee Rose - I haven't had the chance to say hello to you yet, I've not been around for a few days so I missed your first post. So...hello.
There is a lot of emotion involved with this forum, but I don't think I would go so far as to say that it is evidence of hatred.
From the tragic story of your background (I went back to check your post) it is clear that you have been hurt terribly, and no doubt you too feel a lot of emotion when discussing these issues.
I am sure no one here will be offended by your comment. We all have our moments, don't we?
All we can do here is respect each other - which is a two way street - and suspend judgement until we are sure we have all of the information. In this way we can all learn, grow and ... well, .... live happy and fulfilled lives*.
I do hope you are able to stick around and gradually soak up the ambience of this forum. All the best.
* - this is not a guarantee. This message does not come with a warranty. It does come with hugs if you ask nicely.