JoinedTopics Started by whitman
Is there a new 'rule' about disfellowshipping which can make it null and void?
by whitman infirstly, if anyone involved in this situation is reading this i hope i haven't overstepped the boundaries by raising this question here.
i'll try to keep it as anonymous as possible.. so folks this is the situation.
it has just been brought to my attention that during some type of shepherding call to a a disfellowshipped person who is experiencing serious mental illness as a result of the situation and the shunning from his family (his father is an elder), an interesting twist of events occurred.. one of the 'shepherding' elders asked the d.f-d person whether they had prayed and dedicated his/her life fully to jehovah before the baptism.
how do you youtube?
by whitman ini'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
Telemarketer...take 2
by whitman ini'm sure you know how much fun i've been having lately with the telemarketers.. this time it didn't quite go so well, and frankly i'm more than a little disappointed in myself.... she asked whether my mum or dad were at home!!
i said 'no', and then she asked what time they would be coming home.
unfortunately i couldn't contain myself ...when will mum and dad get home - i couldn't help it - i laughed... i really laughed so hard that there was no way i could work with that golden material.
Trapped in an elevator...
by whitman inwho is the last person you would ever want to be trapped in an elevator with?
for me - tom cruise.
I'm freaking out.....
by whitman inso...blah blah blah - car accident - nerve damage.
the medication i have been on for almost three years to control the muscle spasms due to the nerve damage has some rather interesting side effects.
the medication was an anti-convulsant.
I think I just broke the tele-market man
by whitman inwell, today is one of those procrastinatey days, i'm at home alone with the cat who is dazzling me with her new tricks.
so i got pretty excited when the tele-marketer man called to discuss a new and fantastic mobile phone deal.
i managed to keep him on the phone for 32 minutes as i explained to him that i could only use a blue telephone due to a specific type of colour blindness that i have....which i do not have.... turns out they just don't make blue phones.
Did I miss something?
by whitman inhi all, i logged off jwd for a few hours and have just come back.
wasn't there a thread here about a 'kicker email' by a disfellowman or jason999 or something?
it's gone or moved or whatever and my inbox says i have an unread message when there isn't one.
Australian A-League Football
by whitman ini've seen a few posts now about football, particularly with the european cup going on.
just wondering if anyone follows the a-league here in australia?
any sydney-fc supporters?
Does anyone else 'heart' Will Oldham?
by whitman inanyone?
will oldham?
is it possible through six degrees of seperation that i might one day be able to hold hands with master oldham?.
New freedom....new god/s?
by whitman ini'm curious as to how far everyone has explored their new found freedom having left the borg.. has anyone been interested in, or interested in becoming, or just vaguely interested in the following - the raelians (they do have good geometry), any ufo cult, rastafarianism, amish, trekkies, the john frum movement, the discordians, buddhists, hindu, scientologist or any other that isn't listed here?