How about the whole idea of meeting together in a congregational format - originates in antiquity with Pythagoras - and he was pretty 'pagan', he could walk on water and be in several places at the same time. It's now commonly accepted that the early Pauline congregations and 'christian' communities were based upon the Pythagorean model. The concept of one man leading the discussion within the congregational meeting - pagan origins. The structure of walking in pairs when in field service - again pagan, with clear origins in the Pythagorean communities and other philosophical traditions.
The ritual of wine and bread screams archaic and classical Greek religion and the analogy of blood and flesh makes the point quite clear. The actual process of passing wine and bread from one person to another in a solemn ceremony is also pagan, usually accompanied by prayer - whether private or public depends on the occasion. Also determining the dating of the memorial itself, as followed by the borg, was originally formulated by the Bishop Anatolius and I have a feeling he may have been a saint. Does that count as pagan?