W007 - if there is anything I can do....where in Australia are you? If you want to chat, drop me a line and I can phone you - or vice versa.
Do you have any friend-type support going on for you?
Keep us posted so we know how to help. xxx
my wife and i split from the witnesses about 2 years now....and now she says we need a divorce asap!
she doesn't want to work thru it.
lately and for awhile she has been amazingly aggressive to me.....and pretty much everyone else she knows.
W007 - if there is anything I can do....where in Australia are you? If you want to chat, drop me a line and I can phone you - or vice versa.
Do you have any friend-type support going on for you?
Keep us posted so we know how to help. xxx
i'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
Thanks for the feedback folks.
Does anyone have a youtube account? Do you post comments, engage in youtube blogging or any other such youtube orientated activities? Do you post your own videos up?
i'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
IRDWOOTKW - smurf dude - (smurf dude is easier right now) - do you watch youtube as entertainment as well, or is it primarily for educational purposes?
i'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
Very cute Mrs J.... I can only imagine there is some line dancing going on at your place...lol
SirNose... do you generally hunt down videos yourself, or do you find that you would spend more time checking out links that have been passed your way?
IRDWOKH - would you say that youtube has replaced t.v in some respect for you? Are you more inclined to play on youtube than flick through t.v channels? Do you share links?
I havn't seen Zeitgeist.com Holy cow but am about to check it out now.
i'm curious as to how people are using youtube...... do you actively seek out youtube videos?
by that i mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you?
if so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
I'm curious as to how people are using youtube.....
Do you actively seek out youtube videos? By that I mean, do you play in youtube land finding links and things of interest to you? If so, how random or how specific do you make your searches?
Do you find you've spent hours watching videos without realising how long you've been playing?
Or do you wait until you hear about a youtube video before you go there?
Do you wait until someone sends you a link? Do you tend to send links?
How do you youtube?
after a year of reading all of your experiences and expressions i decided it was time for me to start sharing some of mine.
hopefully they can benefit others, like many of yours have benefited me!
being raised in the wtbts, the jehovahs witness docrine and culture really was the prism from which all of my experiences and understanding of life originated.
Welcome aboard, it's great to have you here.
I remember the cabage patch demonic possession thing... they had notes in their heads written either by demons, or by possessed people who worked in the cabbage patch factory. It was never very clear exactly who was writing the notes.... but we all knew the notes were there.....I was too scared to take my doll's head off in case there was something in there...so she was locked away as all possessed toys should be ...lol... oh how very sad
Holy Crap!! I saw it again!!
J.D - freak witnesses out? .. I don't know about them but I'm fairly freaked out myself. Not that I saw anything. Because I didn't. There's nothing there and Satan is not in my computer again.
Wow - there must be something in the water....I'm in Sydney and I'm smiling too. Welcome aboard newbies...how cute - I can call someone else a newbie now. aaawww ..... I'm all warm and fuzzy inside.
Darn it. I'm posessed again!??!! And I was being so careful.
ummm....nothing.....I didn't see anything. Nope, not a thing. It's all good. Didn't see anything....did I?