You can be glad that
You have Lost your religion
It is sad that you had to lose all your "Friends"
Those poor guys ARE in a cult
There is no need to lose your faith,
if it is something that you wish to keep.
It is very traumatic what you're
going through
Talking, writing about it does help
a great deal
Those here understand what you're going through
Most of us have been through similar things
It will take time and effort
until you reach the other side
of this drama, but reach it you must.
Stay true to yourself
Continue to think
Continue to be rational
All will be well
JoinedPosts by LockedChaos
The elders came last night and i stood my NEW ground!!! be proud!
by New light for you inso yes, the brothers came for "encouragement" and of course, my husband is out of town on business... so it was me and the kids.. so i did let them in, i like these brothers...these are some things we discussed.... 1. i went over how that stupid "obey" email got all this started, got me to divulge to my girlfriend how i was feeling about the whole religion.
about how at the end of the call she said that she can't associate with me anymore, and then right after that call/ 30seconds later while i'm crying a pioneer called and asked "do you consider yourself one of jeh witnesses anymore??
" and i thought that was crazy for someone to try to trap me when i was sitting crying on the phone, upset with the last call... i told them that for all purposes i am already dfed since noone will talk to me anymore, and only one friend called to see what happened, everyone else just listened to the gossip of whatever spread, and wrote me off even though i'm technically in good standing.
1,600-year-old version of Bible goes online
by BurnTheShips incodex sinaiticus now available to all from home:.
Thanks BTS
This should be interesting -
Would You Go Back?
by Dune inyesterday, my aunt was talking to one of my siblings about how things have been changing in our [ex] congregation for the 'better'.. she mentioned how a new circuit overseer has come in and is shaking things up.
the co appointed a ministerial servant (someone, the po & secretary didn't like and i know would never have voluntarily suggested appointment) and some of the 'brothers' that have had no 'responsibility' ever are being given #4 talks.
she also mentioned that the book study will be cancelled and the meetings are being shortened.. a ministerial servant who had a vendetta against some of the elders wants me to talk to a co and basically tell him i left the congregation [and the religion] because of the incompetence of the elders.. i'm not talking to the co and i'm not 'blaming' anyone.
Absolutely NOT!!
The whitewashed graves
still contain dead mens bones
It's all window dressing
Core dogmas still the same
False and misleading
Lipstick on a pig -
From humble Bible Students to CULT MEMBERS under Rutherford's compulsion
by Terry infirst, pastor russell had joined adventist bible students in their enthusiam for end times chronologies.. next, russell teamed up with leading adventist thinkers like george storrs and barbour to publish these chronologies and apologies.. finally, russell used his private wealth to cut and paste ideas from all over the religious map into his own peculiar name-brand version of adventism which included pyramidology.. local congregations kept autonomy.
russell would have it no other way.
but, russell had died in 1916.. .
Great job as usual
Timely information
Considering all the Newbies
Thanks from all of us -
What Would You Like to Tell The Governing Body?
by AK - Jeff inwe assume that they or their dupes read this forum, or parts of it, right?
address your comments to them.
do so kindly, and respectfully, remembering that it is their religion, and they can run it like they like.
Tell everyone the truth
Tell them:
You really don't research subjects
You really don't pray for guidance
You really don't know what real life is
You really don't go door to door
You refer to just about everyone as "Rank and File"
You really think you are in superior positions
You have no idea what the hell Oral sex is.....
but you know it's bad
And the scariest part is............
Uterine Artery Embolization--has anyone had that done?
by nsrn in(sorry guys, it's a girl thing...) has anyone had this procedure done?
it's a treatment for uterine fibroids.
i'm scheduled for it, and wondered if anyone had any first hand experience with it.
I haven't had this done
but the wife has.
Two years ago.
Complete success.
Things down there were pretty bad.
Everyone said "Radical Surgery"
Then came Condoleza Rice.
She had it done
We researched it on the net
Ran it by the doctors
(always get 3 opinions)
Went with it
Only 3 days downtime
Very minor downtime
She just had checkup last week
Fibroids are still shrinking
Good Luck -
Mind Control Jewels from N.Y. Special Assembly Day - PMed to me by Newbie
by flipper ini was pmed this excerpt from the final talk by r. clark at the new york special assembly day by a newbie whom i will keep anonymous for confidentiality purposes.
it is full of spin control, and damage control which shows how nervous the watchtower society is getting about " negative talk ", " independent thinking", and " internet use " by the rank and file jehovah's witness members.
title of the talk : .
"extensive research on every article"
The research is to go through
all the old WT literature
Now digitized
Research done!!
Points Proven!!
Circular argument
Lame -
Hello I'm New
by curlytopsUK inhello my name is jackie i'm from uk from the north area.
are there anymore of you out there that live near me?
i left the org over 20 years ago but still feel i had such wasted years in it and lost my youth.
Long road Huh
Me too
Not close to you at all
Were all just a few mouse clicks away
Look forward
to hearing more -
OMG another NuBee...{{{halcyon}}}..Welcome Please
by yknot in{{{halcyon}}}.
glad you have joined!.
the water is great isn't it!.
It's fun at this corner of the web
or crazy
or frustrating
or anxious
and emotional at times -
A birthday in "bizarro world"
by changeling ini'm sitting in the living room reading jwd on my laptop.
my elderly parents are in the adjacent dining room having lunch.
my mother pulls out the "daily text" and asks: "what day is it?
Happy Birthday
from a complete
and total stranger
Didn't get struck by lightening
or anything