was I ever overcome
by irrational exuberance
nor unfettered emotion
(same thing IMHO)
was I ever overcome
by irrational exuberance
nor unfettered emotion
(same thing IMHO)
it's amazing how the watchtower society uses "freedom of religion" as a legal protection to violate the religious freedoms of others.
the punishment for leaving their religion is so severe that many people stay to avoid being cut off from their family and friends.
these people don't really have freedom of religion.. the courts are generally reluctant to interfere in the internal dealings of a church (they might make an exception in extreme cases like child abuse) so the watchtower society has a lot of freedom to use intimidation and the threat of breaking family ties to enforce its own will.
I prefer Freedom
i may have to re think my visiting these apostate sites!!.
Here's the actual NASA Photo
i came on jwd a year ago tomorrow, having realized that jws were not the truth, quite painfully, on march 29, 2008. i was here within a week, and within 2 months i was officially dad by my congregation.. ever since joining, i have never actually wrote down a comprehensive look at why i left the organization.
what doubts caused me to leave?
why did a gilead grad leave what i once considered so precious?.
A true inspiration for
all those questioning.
Never stop thinking
but then, not as sick as the truth of what he is saying!
i couldn't resist posting this.
but i had to wait until i stopped laughing so hard.
Well Reniaa??????????????????
i've been reading several of the comments and many of you appear to be out-of-step with the faithful and discreet slave..
Oh Hell..................
my husband just rescued a pitbull-mix puppy from living neglected under a hole in the stairwell of an apartment across the parking lot from his place.
she had no tags and was unleashed- free-ranging in the parking lot.. i was sceptical at first as i have heard that pit bulls are very dog agressive.
when i aked our vet about it (i have a black lab mix, 1.5 yrs, as well) she said that all the folks at that vet owned pits and as long as the puppy is well socialized and rained well she will be fine.. the puppy, butters, is already a little agressive- she fights to get her food before it is on the floor and she has growled at another big pit bull at petsmart when my husband took her there.. butters will be flying here (tucson) this evening.
Rule #1
Doen't poke it with sticks!!
i was asked what i thought when i saw all the bad things going on in the world and about how close we are to the end.
i replied "jeff, i simply do not believe that it's going to happen in my life time.
" he was momentarily stunned and said "well, when have things ever been this bad before?
All that hard work
and research
just paid off..........BIG!!
i have asked before for help with my niece who is getting baptized this summer.
she emailed to say she was in the middle of going over the baptism questions with the elders.
i believe they are out of the organized to do jehovah's will book?
#2 - "Do you take this Fakinization to become your awfully dreaded life, may God kill me?"
i have two df'd gay....and they are both going back to meetings to be reinstated.
one has a serious drinking problem and he feels the jw life with friends and family again will help him with the drinking (i would drink even more!
)....he has some doubts, but believes a lot of it.. the gay friend you would think is full of holy spirit!....i thought from prior discussions she thought it was all bs....but nope, he has just always felt he was an evil sinner and wants a better relationship with god and to be with family....proven it to their self that it is full of lies?