They are a
good looking family.........................
the white house has released an official photo of the first family, a fine portrait of the obamas that is just as notable for the photographer who took it: annie leibovitz.. .
They are a
good looking family.........................
Cleveland OH
As for minor cities...................
Just go due South
when i was attending, an elder would never give tacit approval to a jw's participation on a website like this.
back then procedure was a harsh warning followed by disfellowshipping if the behavior were to continue.. when i was being raised a jw, no witness in good standing, let alone a pioneer, would ever consider allowing his/her children to attend a halloween or birthday party.
seems as though the days of "mental regulating of youth" are in the rear view mirror.... how great is that?
Unspoken rules,
laws, and regulations,
when punished, are no
different than if spoken
It is simply "Plausible Deniability"
just been reading former long-time brooklyn bethelite tom cabeen's very encouraging article entitled "where is the body of christ?".
(can be found at .
in his article, tom says: "when john received the revelation around the end of the first century, there were hundreds of thousands of christians, even by conservative estimates.
But then again,
I'm guessing
As are all
did jesus' (and the apostles) names originally just consist of consonants?
was it translated with tetragrammen (sp?
i have no problem if the witnesses want to say "jehovah", but my nerves are grated when they insist that's one of the reasons they are the true religion..
Those two twin gods post here
Narkissos & Leolaia
last week a student doing her masters in journalism contacted me about doing an interview re ex-jws.
i agreed to talk to her.
and she and a couple of others will be coming to record the interview.. she is interested in what it is like to leave the jws and knows it is a cult.. boy have i a lot to tell.. she found me through the meet up website for ottawa ex-jws.. i don't think it will be a long interview.
Lady Lee
and you with your new haircut
been a while since i posted here, but driving into work the other day i recalled how "excited" we all were when it was announced that scientists had discovered "proof" that there is a full "day" missing astronomically, for the exact period of time covered by joshua's having the sun stand still, and isaiah having the sun move backwards, sending the shadow back up the steps for hezekiah.. that got me searching jwd for a thread about this topic, and i didn't find one, but i did find this snopes article..
From Snopes
Missing day legend emerged and made
popular via a book written by
"Harry Rimmer"
Heh, Heh, Heh
Hairy Rimmer
That's where it's pulled out from!!
if it wasn't god's purpose for us to live forever on the earth, where would adam be right now?.
In Cleveland
Under Lake Erie
In a Salt Mine
Playing Bagpipes
While swinging a snake
He never really existed to begin with
this is just an obsevation from me...ok i dont mean to annoy anyone but is it true or just me?.
i feel that ones raised in the truth are so much better of than us who came in from the world.
i say that because they have family who are witnesses too.
Born-in and raised
Your developed personality
is that which is directed by
the cult
You do have an undeveloped
(or under-developed) personality
that is the real you and can create
a dissonance that can be devestating
in some
Higher learning can drive one away
Friends not of the faith can drive one away
Learning the "Real truth" can drive one away
Rational thinking can drive one away
Religion IS a "Racket and a Snare"
I'll take my freedom anytime over the
CULT, thank you very much
hi guys...oompa here.
was i in rehab for alcohol addiction or jwd addiction!?!?
! computers or cellphones allowed so i have been awol awhile..... ya, i finally made my self sick enough on booze to realize i was really sick and tired of being sick and checked myself into rehab without any planning at all and while wife was out of town on a family was a a very desperate moment in my life, and i was extremely physically and emotionally sick....i was so desperate i took zero time to reseach where to go, but called an old school friend who said rehab had saved his life and he made the calls and actually took me and helped me check in to the place he went to 5 years ago.
Good Deal Oompa
Stay Clean