You have survived
the road to REALITY!!
Welcome home
We have cookies and cake
first off lmao, i was just joking by my title guys.
im only 24yrs old and i like to have fun!
anyway, this is my very first post on this wonderful site.
You have survived
the road to REALITY!!
Welcome home
We have cookies and cake
nice to be here and look forward to meeting you all.
i made a very sudden exit from 'the lie' approx 5 months ago.
was going to try and slowly fade but couldnt do it.
Wholeheartedly agree
i've been on this site for a number of years now.
i don't easily trust just anybody.
having said that, there are a few persons here that know my real identity and i'm comfortable with them.. are there certain posters that you trust here?.
Tells it as she sees it
Tells it as she knows it
Is it all true or not??
It's up to us to research
and make our own conclusions
Everyone needs to make their own discoveries
and to not be lemings
nearly every living thing is drowned to death because of the badness and general mischief going on during noah's day.
why aren't the angels who materialized bodies and fathered a race of giant, violent freaks destroyed as well?.
i know that they, presumably, left their bodies just in time to escaped the flood, but that shouldn't be enough to escape the wrath of almighty god.. it's interesting that the genesis account says very little about them.
Think "Firmament" and
the waters above
It means more when
you discover your own
answers by research
im looking for some new insight on some thoughts of mine.
jw's do not beleive in hell.
hell fire is symbolic i was always taught.
When you answers are preconceived
it is a very simple matter to find written
verse to prove your point ar dogma
That's how they came up with the
current bible cannon
Worked with them
Works for anybody
nearly every living thing is drowned to death because of the badness and general mischief going on during noah's day.
why aren't the angels who materialized bodies and fathered a race of giant, violent freaks destroyed as well?.
i know that they, presumably, left their bodies just in time to escaped the flood, but that shouldn't be enough to escape the wrath of almighty god.. it's interesting that the genesis account says very little about them.
The question and all the comments
are making the assumption that the
tale is true.........................................
If it simply a tale and myth the question
answers itself, make believe is not reality
so none of it really happened
the bible and the people.(pdf).
download link : .
You need to decompress the file
Use WinRAR
The book is a PDF
four months have past since i made my first post here.
it generated 9 pages of discussion- thanks to renaai.
i was called trevor by ninja at one point.........hopefully it is apparent that i am not.
Wonderful things happen
when we begin to truly
think for ourselves
The more we are willing to
listen and learn from a variety
of sources the easier all the
unpleasantries become
Keep us up to date on your journey
i was just wondering if any of you took time to speak openly about being an ex-witness.. sometimes, when it came up naturally, i told some of my friends; in other cases, i felt really uncomfortable talking about it.
in fact, it's a little strange, but i felt more comfortable telling casual friends rather than the people closest to me.
i often felt like it was a huge revelation to make, often to find that people weren't really that shocked.
28 years
I'll tell anybody
The cult has no hold over me
Free at last, Free at last
save the planet: time to eat dog?
the eco-pawprint of a pet dog is twice that of a 4.6-litre land cruiser driven 10,000 kilometres a year, researchers have found.
victoria university professors brenda and robert vale, architects who specialise in sustainable living, say pet owners should swap cats and dogs for creatures they can eat, such as chickens or rabbits, in their provocative new book time to eat the dog: the real guide to sustainable living.. the couple have assessed the carbon emissions created by popular pets, taking into account the ingredients of pet food and the land needed to create them..
So far "Eating the Rich"
hasn't worked out