What Frosty said................................
and quickly!!
i'm talking to this girl right now who is technically still a witness.
she doenst go to the meetings anymore but not because she does not feel its the truth.
her parents are no longer witnesses and i want to get her to see the truth about the "truth" before she decides to go back in.
What Frosty said................................
and quickly!!
hi i just had to say that i got to hang out with some great apostate association last week!
had a good time, lots of laughs!.
shout out to lockedchaos .
I'm ready for the next one
Already thinking of how I will make my entrance......................
so a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
Nice summary
Sort of says it all
What a group
has the watchtower ever rationalized their obsession with depilation or claimed there was a biblical basis for banning beards, or is it simply because jehovah's corporation/faithful and discrete slave says so?.
They were anti-hippie
and have never gotten over it
Yet ANOTHER stupid rule!!
As a JW in bad standing..................
It was life changing
After reading "In Search of Christian Freedom"
I was free at last
but i'll just say this.
beck will be frenching that guy in the green room.
Glen is a "D"
and publicity Whore!!
That being said..............
are there laws preventing them walking around with 'repent, the end is nigh placard boards or is it a practise that they just prefer not to do now ?.
any ideas ??
im sure glad i didnt have to wear one !.
It makes them bigger targets.............
first time poster.
i guess this makes me the scary a word.
arent apostates jealous?
Welcome to the path of freedom..................
Now, Live Your Life To The Fullest!!
this is my very first post here at jwn.
i have been "lurking" here for a few months as i have slowly faded over the past year.
so i figured it was time to become a full blown jw opposer, and i tell you it couldnt feel better!.
this is a fairly worldly view, for those who haven't seen it.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3be9wcawim.
This is speaking in tongues........................
Pay no mind to me