Does anyone know how to do this?
I would love to have a device that causes interference
does anyone know how to do this?.
i would love to have a device that causes interference .
Does anyone know how to do this?
I would love to have a device that causes interference
it hit me the other day, when a jw goes to a door and says, we are doing a volunteer work today.... .
no they arent.
they have to go in service every month as a requirement to stay in the club, if not, they become inactive or irregular.
It hit me the other day, when a JW goes to a door and says, “We are doing a volunteer work today…”
NO THEY AREN’T. They have to go in service every month as a requirement to stay in the club, if not, they become inactive or irregular.
Volunteer means that you do it when you want. If they don’t do it, they will eventually be shunned as someone who is inactive
omfg i can't stand it anymore.. i am so sick of hearing and reading things from my family that says that they are "holding out hope" that i will come back.
or they say that they are praying to jehovah that i will come back.. what other religion is so crazy that they say these things?!?!?!?!
if a buddhist person decides not to go to their church anymore, do their parents/family bombard them with this crap?
OMFG I can't stand it anymore.
I am so sick of hearing and reading things from my family that says that they are "holding out hope" that I will come back. Or they say that they are praying to Jehovah that I will come back.
WHAT OTHER RELIGION is so crazy that they say these things?!?!?!?! If a buddhist person decides not to go to their church anymore, do their parents/family bombard them with this crap? What about a Jew or whatever?
I understand that they are brainwashed and all, but geez, they don't realize that they are making THEMSELVES nuts over something that is not worth it. My family is litteraly driving themselve crazy with all of the worrying that they have for me. Yes, I appreciate their concern, but geez, I can't imagine that a protestant family would go to the lengths that the Dub's go to in their crying and depression when one of their family members says that they don't want to sit in the kingdum hall for another boring talk about the same old crap.
I don't get it !!!
so i have been a jw for yyeeaarrrrs :o(.
but it just hit me tonight during the prayer.
all you ever hear during the prayer is,.
So I have been a JW for yyeeaarrrrs :o(
But it just hit me tonight during the prayer. All you ever hear during the prayer is,
"it's so nice to be here this evening away from the world"
"it's good to put aside our worries for the next few hours"
"help those that are having issues"
Geez, wtf, they are so negative, don't they realize that everyone has issues, and just going to a hall for a couple of hours is not going to do anything to aid those problems except for distracting them.
Then you talk with them after the meeting and it's all " when this wicked system is over, I can't wait to blah blah blah....
Yes, there are some messed up people in the world, and there are a lot of bad things, but life is not as bad as they make it out to be.
so i haven't been turing in my fake field service hours for 3 months now.
i think that it is 6 months and then you are counted as inactive.. my question is, once i am inactive, would i need to meet with the elders again to be "active" if i decided to turn in time again, or do i just start going out in service again?.
although i am fading, i want to keep my options open to make things easier down the road.
Thanks Open Mind, that was a good thread to read over
so i haven't been turing in my fake field service hours for 3 months now.
i think that it is 6 months and then you are counted as inactive.. my question is, once i am inactive, would i need to meet with the elders again to be "active" if i decided to turn in time again, or do i just start going out in service again?.
although i am fading, i want to keep my options open to make things easier down the road.
Thanks all, and thanks to Blondie for the KM article.
Looks like a fake slip every couple of months will help to avoid a lot of aggravation
so i haven't been turing in my fake field service hours for 3 months now.
i think that it is 6 months and then you are counted as inactive.. my question is, once i am inactive, would i need to meet with the elders again to be "active" if i decided to turn in time again, or do i just start going out in service again?.
although i am fading, i want to keep my options open to make things easier down the road.
So I haven't been turing in my fake field service hours for 3 months now. i think that it is 6 months and then you are counted as inactive.
My question is, once I am inactive, would I need to meet with the elders again to be "active" if I decided to turn in time again, or do i just start going out in service again?
Although i am fading, I want to keep my options open to make things easier down the road. So if I need to put in a fake slip once every couple of months, that is easier than dealing with all of the other crap.
just found out that there is a sex offender in my hall.
the "brother" that i was with said " the brothers will make sure that he is not put with any kids in service".
wtf !!!!
Just found out that there is a sex offender in my hall. The "brother" that I was with said " the brothers will make sure that he is not put with any kids in service"
WTF !!!! What about if there are some kids in the parkinglot at night and this creep is walking to his car.
I think that the entire cong needs to know when these sicko's are in their midst
not sure if this was caught on in your cong or not, but now our service overseers text everyone in their group for their field service time.. now i understand that texting and email are good tools, i use them everyday.
but how impersonal can you be.
espicially when it comes to "life saving work".
Not sure if this was caught on in your cong or not, but now our service overseers text everyone in their group for their field service time.
Now I understand that texting and email are good tools, I use them everyday. But how impersonal can you be. Espicially when it comes to "life saving work"
I have been inactive from a while now, and I find it interesting that an elder will text me instead of call me now. I have also had elders text me asking to meet with me instead of calling. What a joke !!!!!
what is the most recent wt that states that only jw's will survive armegeddon?
i can't find it anywhere.
i thought it was in 2004. thanks !.
What is the most recent WT that states that only JW's will survive Armegeddon? I can't find it anywhere. I thought it was in 2004
thanks !