FDR's pledge died with them. Although a small number of Special Philippine Scouts were naturalized immediately after the war, Congress passed a rider to the 1946 Rescission Act stripping all regular Filipino army soldiers of their rights and privileges as U.S. veterans. President Harry Truman signed the bill into law. It declared that the Filipinos' military service had not been "active" as defined for the purpose of receiving full veterans benefits. Yet, all other European allied soldiers who served similarly under the U.S. flag were granted full veteran status and attendant benefits.
Lucy-- I get your point and know why you are upset. However, the US pumped millions of aid dollars into the Phillipines during the post WW2 era only to have the country turn away from democratic principles. Those millions were to rebuild the country.Whatever Truman's motives were the fact is the US did it's part to assist all Fillipios for years after WW2. They ( and many other countries we have paid) turned out to be poor allies and very anti- american after spending the millions of US cash sent their way. It's a real shame the Phillapine goverment screwed their vets out of so many good things too. (plus the general population)
The US did'nt want to pay female WW2 vets the same benifits either- but they lobbies Congress and got equal treatment in the 80's.
As far a lying to veterans goes--well in 1932 good Old Dougie MacArthuer, ordered troops against WWI vets that had taken up residence in Washington D.C. These vets were trying to collect on war bonds issued as compensation for wartime military service. Of course, the Depression was on at the time and the Goverment could not or would not pay the men who needed the cash in the worst way.
Several veterans were killed by Federal troops directed by Mac's orders.. He was supposed to clear DC of the protesters and, by God, he did.
Yes, we have done a poor job taking care of veterans. Maybe- we may be the only nation that has ever had a system of GI benifits as exhaustive as the GI BILL OF RIGHTS in place after WW2 well into the late 80's.
Most vets took the the Bill and created a high standard of living exercising the educational benifits provided.
Some have had bad breaks in life and a many have been scandalised by Agent Orange, Gulf War syndrome and other situations but the US treats its vets as well or better than any other country in place.
Your original post--"veterans day is crap"-- well it's the Least we can do. Now if you had wanted to adress the POOR treatment of Our Vets (of any nationality) you should have posted a more accurate title.