Hubba hubba---------- now them damned "demons" will come to my house!
Edited by - hillbilly on 14 February 2003 19:19:8
i would look real good in
let the rumours fly..ha!
smooches to my secret sweetie!.
Hubba hubba---------- now them damned "demons" will come to my house!
Edited by - hillbilly on 14 February 2003 19:19:8
well i just got my blood work done, it was way over due , it has been three years.
it came back good on the sugar, but bad on cholestoral...... and very , very bad on triglycrides.
my family on dad's side, everyone has trouble with this from a very early age, and all of them have to be on meds even thou they changed diet, lost weight, and exercised.
Sorry Dede but I have to say -"Beef , it's what's for dinner".........
HB ( former producer of high quality beef and beef- by products)
dixie chicks .
cowboy take me away
i said i wanna touch the earth i wanna break it in my hands i wanna grow something wild and unruly i wanna sleep on the hard ground in the comfort of your arms on a pillow of bluebonnets in a blanket made of stars oh it sounds good to me i said cowboy take me away fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue set me free oh i pray closer to heaven above and closer to you closer to you i wanna walk and not run i wanna skip and not fall i wanna look at the horizon and not see a building standing tall i wanna be the only one for miles and miles except for maybe you and your simple smile oh it sounds good to me yes it sounds so good to me cowboy take me away fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue set me free oh i pray closer to heaven above and closer to you closer to you i said i wanna touch the earth i wanna break it in my hands i wanna grow something wild and unruly oh it sounds so good to me cowboy take me away fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue set me free oh i pray closer to heaven above and closer to you closer to you closer to you cowboy take me away.
I said I wanna touch the earth I wanna break it in my hands I wanna grow something wild and unruly I wanna sleep on the hard ground In the comfort of your arms On a pillow of bluebonnets In a blanket made of stars Oh it sounds good to me I said Cowboy take me away Fly this girl as high as you can Into the wild blue Set me free oh I pray Closer to heaven above and Closer to you closer to you I wanna walk and not run I wanna skip and not fall I wanna look at the horizon And not see a building standing tall I wanna be the only one For miles and miles Except for maybe you And your simple smile Oh it sounds good to me Yes it sounds so good to me Cowboy take me away Fly this girl as high as you can Into the wild blue Set me free oh I pray Closer to heaven above and Closer to you closer to you I said I wanna touch the earth I wanna break it in my hands I wanna grow something wild and unruly Oh it sounds so good to me Cowboy take me away Fly this girl as high as you can Into the wild blue Set me free oh I pray Closer to heaven above and Closer to you closer to you Closer to you Cowboy take me away. Closer to you
Just asking- Change the hook- line lyric to "cowgirl" and this one says a lot about old "Hillbilly"
why not have a singles connection section here?
a kind of internet love boat for x-witnesses?
So Aztec- I suppose a moderate Libertarian-moderate Republican with semi- socialist pro-labor leanings who was blonde as a kid would be out of the question? Is Fredric Remington an artist? Hockey is Ok- it's the ice that sucks. It's easy to be a "Wings fan but it takes true grit to follow the Blackhawks.
Just asking-------HB
why not have a singles connection section here?
a kind of internet love boat for x-witnesses?
ok- here goes:
5-10" , 210 pounds. 43 year old white male. Single dad (divorced, with custody of teen son). Works in a professional capacity instructing craft workers for a major utility company. Non smoker, non druggie, moral with conservative values. Will take a drink from time to time. I dont like abuse or violence- I dont tolerate it directed at me and dont do it to others.
Hobbies- training and riding horses- 4-H leader with a theraputic riding program for disabled kids. Like to travel but just as happy to stick around the house.
Major faults- comes home with paycheck intact every week, invests in future, likes accountabilty. Been known to fall asleep watching TV from time to time. Likes sex, yet, able to carry on a conversation with your face, not your cleavage.
Major pluses- see above.
Lives near nice midwestern town - hates big city life. Digs women who are'nt whiners, like animals and working as a team. Ideal prospects should be fit, clean, attractive women with self- respect and couth.
Skills testing: Prospects must be able to ( or willing to learn) how to back truck and trailer.
Fridgid, high maintainence or a head -case? Don't bother. I like kids and make a real good dad. I respect women and have a long term history of faithfulness. Still have most of my hair and teeth. Future long term plans - retirement to a warmer western climate and greater involvment with my horses and future grandkids.
i am thinking of getting a pistol and i am not sure of what kind to get.
i went to an indoor range today and tried out a glock .45 (the smaller model) and a heavier .45. i found the glock rested well in my hand but i could shoot much more accurately with the heavier (and longer barreled) pistol.
any way, i am looking for a home protection / target practice pistol and would like any input on what caliber to get.
My opinion- for home defence: and only if you're willing to practice marksmanship, get a little training, and maintain the fire arm.
Hand guns: J or K frame Smith and Wesson revolvers in .38 special , 4"bbl minimum. The Tarus clones are ok too. Unless you are willing to practice, the 2" snubs are a little hard to shoot consistently. .38 special is around a 70-80% one shot stopper in most common loadings and ammo is cheap enough to encourage practice time at the range. Revolvers in general are very reliable and simple to operate. Smith and Wesson and Colt revolvers are reasonably priced, especially on the used market. Stainless steel ( a few bucks more) holds up to the elements without the attention a blued finish requires.
Autos- ignore the "cool factor" of auto pistols unless you are into taking care of your weapons. Auto's have tight tolerances and will not function properly unless clean and lubed. Autos can be hard to use under stress unless you are totally in practice with the safety and other contols. Auto pistols can not be considered "reliable" for combat situations unless they are broken in- usually 500 to a 1000 rounds fired without malfunction will test a auto to my satisfaction before I will rely on the weapon for defense.
Calibers: .38 special, minimum. .380 is ok as a back - up in trained hands -a little anemic and the auto pistols chambered for it need regular cleaning ( a little grit in the tight actions will jam them up). 9mm has comparable ballistics in many loadings as the .38 special. If you're willing to work at marksmanship .40 S&W and the venerable .45 ACP are excellent choices. .22 and .25 auto- forget it. Those little guys are for blasting tin cans ( or mob hits).
High Capacity- it's lots of fun blasting off 13 or more rounds in rapid fire semi autos. However, most gunfights are less than 3 or 4 shots between both shooters. Most gunplay is at distances less than 30'.(from an old FBI study)
I have never felt under-armed with my .38 special, 5 -shot J frame S&W yet. I do prefer the "warm and fuzzy feelings" I get when armed with my trusty full- sized Government Model Colt .45.
Shotguns: If you don't wish to invest the time and practice to become a good handgun shooter the Shotgun is a good choice. Any shot gun will do. Shotguns loaded with low brass, #6 or 8 shot limit the hazzards of over-penetration in wall board homes. Pump action shotguns are very reliable and easy to learn to operate. In my experience the sound of a pump gun "rackin one in" will un-nerve all but the most dedicated bad guy. That noise gets folks attention and looking down that big bore is pretty nerve racking.
One last thing- if you are WILLING to present a firearm in self Defense you must be WILLING to TAKE A LIFE! Get some professional training from a NRA certified trainer and learn your state laws. Being able to defend ones self is gratifying but a grave responsibility.
if "time" is running backwards i dont see how that we would ever know, perhaps some clever physicist could devise an experiment to find out for sure.. some theoreticians have suggested the reason the arrow of time runs from past to future is tied intimately to the expansion of space.
since einstein special theory of relativity we have come to see that "time", space and speed are all relative.
we now more correctly speak of "space-time" instead of just space.
Hill ( still struggles with the idea that in algebra you add to subtract and subtract to add class)
jehovah's witnesses and the concept of conscientious objection
- by scully .
the concept of conscientious objection is one that has existed for centuries and has been recognized under the principles of free exercise of religious beliefs in both american and canadian law.
I seem to remember discussing what the young fellas were told to say at the Draft Board appeals back in the Draft days. The answers indicated to me ( at least at this juncture in time) that JW's are NOT pacifists or Conciencous Objectors. The same line of questions came up for those seeking release from the US military too.
Draft Board: Do you believe there are "just" wars?
JW: All of (mans) wars are unjust. (but Jehovah can fight a just war)
The fact of the matter is a true pacifist will answer the question honestly- they dont think that God would wage war, or take lifes. JW in priciple think that a war sponsered by God is ok (and we can see how the "death spiral" of logic and lying by ommision takes over from here).
CO status and the punishment and social marking that come from it are simply a tool that the WT uses to make its membership "look" better that the Christian population that surrounds them. The Roman Centurion that accepted Christ continued his military service- did he not?
Scully- you have a good mind and pitch an excellent argument.
ok here is my situation....... i went to an attorney back in november to get my divorce.
she came highly recommended by several people.
she asked me a lot of questions about my marriage, circumstances, bascially got all the information she needed to file the divorce for me.
I guess some lawyers do better business than others. In my recent divorce my attorney discussed the retainer and fee, broken down in the componet parts his work would involve. I knew his hourly rate for trial and the various and sundry things lawyers do for clients.
Before I left, he gave me a fee schedule and estimate for the work he was about to take on. Then we both signed it and I got a copy. At trail he asked for payment, per the contract. End of story- just like it was supposed to happen. (this guy is one of the better legal minds in the region too- very effective) He gave me a 10% discount cause I paid on the spot. (he will get my other business from now on) Lawyers can have poor customer relations like any other service provider, good ones can be hard to find and poor ones create a bad reputation for the other ones.
So Xena- just a word of advice as you move on to single hood. Now that you will be doing ALL your own "wheeling and dealing" on all mattes from rent or mortgages to paying for your car.
GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING- and read it. Oral contracts are binding but easily misunderstood or wiggled out of by the less than honest ( or those with poor memory).
Good Luck on everything you attempt from here on out!
HB (the I document everything - including notes on phone calls class)
hey joy, im very sorry for the pain you are going through, because the lose of your father.
i also know you had to deal with the borg world again and i know that was hard to deal with.
i really dont have the words just want you to know i care.
With the greatest heartfelt sympathy ........... HB