D-...on-t go chaaaangin...to trrrrry tooo plu---eeeeze me. I looooove you just they ...waaaay you Ar-rrrrrrrr
that was flat wasnt it?
... is to not be nasty or rude to other posters in any of my posts and threads....(sarcasm is not rude or nasty.
D-...on-t go chaaaangin...to trrrrry tooo plu---eeeeze me. I looooove you just they ...waaaay you Ar-rrrrrrrr
that was flat wasnt it?
i live inside the seattle city limits in an old residential neighborhood.. during the winter i put out "bird pudding" made from oatmeal, margarine, birdseed, peanuts, etc.
to help meet the nutritional needs of a family of crows that we share the neighborhood with.
the crows, in turn, share their puddin' with a few pigeons and a few local squirrels.
Eagles and hawks have been in every place we have lived ... I used to find rabbit parts around work all the time. We had a pair of nesting bald eagles in the wood lot next door. Came across a frozen Canda Goose that was hacked on the neck and shoulder... I can only assume he took a mid air strike with a eagle or big hawk.
Red tail hawks .. watched em eat rabbits moles and other small furry stuff all the time.
Life is fragile and things gotta eat. Fact of life...Bambi is a myth.
my gosh, i am two episodes into season two.
started at the beginning of season one.
it's fanfuckingtastic!
Where do I get tickets for this thing? What kind of musical guests will there be?
tickemaster... after I book a few venues... guests?...all me... playing D, D7 E7....4/4 over and over and over...............
Ok ...maybe a D minor in there to mix it up
it will be like the 60's... but worse.
my gosh, i am two episodes into season two.
started at the beginning of season one.
it's fanfuckingtastic!
Gosh Hill, I just realized there is no point in discussing anything with you. You in fact know it all. How about if you just school me, eh love?
Well I didnt know that I knew it all until just now...thanks...
I still like you too.
Happy new year!
Hill 1959-2009 World Tour
i was recently reading a book about trader vic's tiki drinks and it defined a "dash" as one and one half teaspoons.
later in the book i found a recipe that called for two dashes of bitters in a single-serving drink.. that's freakin' preposterous!
three teaspoons is one-half ounce.
thats the ticket... but there must be somthing to do with the spin of the earth or gravity or something... mixing drinks is an art!
Happy New Year NN
i was recently reading a book about trader vic's tiki drinks and it defined a "dash" as one and one half teaspoons.
later in the book i found a recipe that called for two dashes of bitters in a single-serving drink.. that's freakin' preposterous!
three teaspoons is one-half ounce.
seems like many bartenders can screw up a beer...
I used to like Manhattans...Southern Comfort Manhattans... used to drink in a bar in Virginia ... old gal there had those to a art form... never found another that good.
disco kinda defines my high school era... but I never liked most of it. Of course, Donna Summers was a reason to look at album covers...............
I need a second .....................
my gosh, i am two episodes into season two.
started at the beginning of season one.
it's fanfuckingtastic!
...either there's something peculiar about this man's cerebral setup, or
they can just write off the forebrain as being the center of thought and speech.
that may be the nicest thing I'v heard all year...
my gosh, i am two episodes into season two.
started at the beginning of season one.
it's fanfuckingtastic!
Oh man Hillbilly, don't get started on Tombstone...I went there a few years back for a weekend, it's still a pretty cool place to visit. I loved the movie too.
Yep... that's the tip of the iceberg too... dozens of towns and shadows of towns with a story out here...
Ya know I only come here to argue with Beks? I love it when her head comes to a point....
its an opossum!
i just now stepped outside to get something and there it was!
i checked wikipedia and found out they were introduced into this area during the great depression to serve as a source of food.. hmmmm... sounds like the country boy in me is about to come out.. i might have to make me some possum stew!
Par boil it before ya cook it Else... they are greasy. But they go good with collards and make good potlicker.
In all seriousness be careful...Jim is right... they got an awesome set of choppers.
Back in the day, if a possum fell in an open well they would board the hole up... ruin the water for years.