Laundry ----same way ya do em up in a ......then run em in through a car wash in the back of the pick-up...
JoinedPosts by hillbilly
How do you do laundry?
by hannibal inmy wify has been gone for two weeks, and i,m running out of skivies.
i havnt done laundry in years, anybody!
hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
What Will Happen?
by onacruse inthis is a true story.. this fellow i heard about, he's been sending out letters about the gb, saying things like "those guys may seem important whatever they are makes no difference to me," and "they said you can't take blood transfusions, but mature christians know better.
" this fellow had a major and messy public argument with a heavy player from brooklyn, and told him to take a hike.
why, one time this fellow went to the kh that ted jaracz attends, stood right up there in the middle of the congregation, and publicly accused tj of being a hypocrite!.
ahhh-- can I by a vowel Ona? sounds juicy, details?
WHAT Kingdom Hall did Ya'll go to?
by thewiz ini was looking at another thread.
and was wondering,if i'm not being too forward, what kh did everyone here go to.. i used to go to the cranston kh in ri, usa .
<P>Hey Rhett-- ya know Jon and Carol Kelly?</P> <P> ;</P>
WHAT Kingdom Hall did Ya'll go to?
by thewiz ini was looking at another thread.
and was wondering,if i'm not being too forward, what kh did everyone here go to.. i used to go to the cranston kh in ri, usa .
71- Clarksville Arkansas
71-83 Dyersburg TN
parts of 81-83 Sherwood and Hickory Hills Memphis TN
83-96 Boynton, Lake Worth Melaluca, and Lantana FL-- for all practical purposes I quit in '96.
visited and knew folks all over the Mid South area, Dresden and Union City TN and the SE MO area, Hayti and Kennet MO
some old wise sayings
by heathen ini thought it might be interesting to see how much of the worldly wisdom we have aquired .there are alot of quaint sayings that go way back in time here are some of my favorites to give an example - an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure , a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush ,what's good for the goose is good for the gander .feel free to add your favs .
"Its always easier to ask for forgivness than get permission"
"never squat with yer spurs on"
"that boy's all hat and no cattle"
"You dont understand everything you know about that"
"never hold anyone you love with a grip tighter than an open hand"
No Draft is Needed
by Yerusalyim innot really jw related, but when has this stopped any of us before.
representative charlie rangel has been calling for the draft to be reinstituted.
folks, this just ain't gonna happen.
the Draft was necessary for military in the past because wars were waged on the priciple of attrition. the only way to win a war based on that premise is to "outlast" the opponent. Of course, the Draft ( conscription) was the easiest way for any goverment to provide cannon fodder for the meatgrinder methods of the time.
WW2 -- warfare had changed, fast paced attacks, mechanized units, aviation--- technology had begun to take over. Infantry (lots of infantry) was needed for the assaults on Beacheads and to hold the territory as armies advanced. But the statistics tell us ( and I guess I should look em up) that the average combat soldier required the support of several others in clerical or support roles. The draft system paced the supply of manpower feeding a large multi front military operation.
Wars of attrition have simply passed out of favor. US military doctirne is based on fast attacks using speed and finess. As long as the volume of men voluntering stays adequate the Drafting of millions seems rather impractical. Full Scale Mobilzation ( like WW2) just doesnt seem to be in the near future in my opinion.
By the way-- the National Guard and Reserve played a major role in the last Persian excursion. They provide a motivated force of well trained citizen warriors with MOS's ranging from Fighter Pilots and Special Forces to janitor. This may make our USMC brothers a little testy but the biggest, sucessful amphibious assault ever was executed by the National Guardsmen. (Normandy)
Why is the WTBTS Dumbing Down?
by hillbilly inhave you noticed the watchtower's slow drift into another self-destructive trap of their own design?
i know i will get a couple of responses from some.
the opinions will generally come from two camps: the society will never die because there will always be ones willing to write a mental "blank check"and embrace "god" through his "orginization".the society will prosper because it is god's orginzation in our times.. .
Gary-- yea I can see it now.... the WTBTS run almost like the National Rifle Association.... to bad they can't get Charlie Heston to jump ship-- we was Moses ya'all know. (it's a shame but his Alzheimers will let him fit in with the rest of the board in a year or two)
$20 --"publisher" ya get a Watchtower and if you act NOW this years Book Study publicaton
$75-- "Master member" above plus special TMS and service meeting training
$500- "MS package" above plus all you need to "reach out" at an atractive package price
$1500- "ELDER MADNESS" - The MUST have- all the above, plus admission to special meetings and extra seminars held in your area
$5000- Hey I"M the CO-- what a special feeling-- your freinds will actually climb over each other to speak with you---- make a great gift for that long term Elder in the family
$100,000 (or your soul) GREAT GOVERNING BODY EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!- THE ULTIMATE! LIVE in spectacular privielege in a great location--- exoticly close to excitint NYC! Be the first in your congregation to FEEL the POWER!
Gumby--thats the sad part-- bet ya dollars to donuts the Legal Department and their cronies end up with the whole enchillada down the road.
Edited by - hillbilly on 1 January 2003 19:56:6
by hillbilly inhillbilly
re: what are you doing on new year's eve?
dec 31, 2002 10:03
and we got the New years Day ride done without a hitch too. I decided to be winter today....pretty cold out.
"There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse"- Winston Churchill
"The word doesnt look to bad when its framed between horse ears"- Hillbilly
For anyone who likes to read I can recomend a book-- "The Faraway Horses" by Buck Brannaman. Buck is cowboy in the best sense of the word--and the survivor of an abusive father. This is the only book I ever bought in hardcover and paid retail for. Thats endorsement enough!
Caring for the Child Molesters
by Swan inin thinking back over the years past it makes me really sad what we have come to as jehovah's witnesses.
i never thought i would ever be at this point in my life.
in doing some new year reflections i can't help but think of the people i cared about in past years.
Yep -- a little compasion kicks in from me too---very little. But I know that something went terribly, terribly wrong in anyone who would commit a crime against children. My human side tells me to hate and kill them but my human side tells me that keeping them alive and incarcerated makes me a better person.
I had a guy try to attempt to molest me at 16. Bad move on his part-- I let him know that I would kill him where he stood if he went any further, and I was big enough to back it up. Had means available too. Within two years he did sodomize a very young boy in another state and because of Witness non- involvement he's still on the street today. I struggle with that every day. If I would have killed him- it would have been all on me. If I would have complained and pressed it myself I would have been DF'ed for no witnesses to my event.
So I say cover all the bases and let Ceasar do his part. That way God gets to his, once in court and punishment and second for eternity. Hate is good ( to a point) but it will consume you if you dont deal with it in a constructive way.
Edited to add: by the way, I have no problem with the Death penalty aginst sexual criminals. I will even pull the switch after all appeals have been fairly heard by a court. No problem!
Edited by - hillbilly on 1 January 2003 18:37:24
Interesting Statistics from 100 years ago
by xenawarrior ini received this and thought i'd share it with you:.
i thought these were some interesting statistics from 100 years ago!.
year of 1902. .
Yep and that was in the newest and first 'superpower" nation of the Modern Era. I wouldnt want to venture a guess as to what things were like in parts or Europe Asia and Africa at the same time.
a little column I wrote and posted on another thread:
I ride a horse on New Years Eve Day and on New Years Day. I started doing this on purpose for "Y2K". I plan to do this on New Years till I cant "fork" a saddle then I will drive a team and wagon. (or ride in it)
Other than a few working Cowboys and mounted unit police I am sure that I am one of the few folks on the planet who have been horseback in two Millinieums, or 2 centuries.
Why? I realized that horses and the relationship they have to human history is a grand thing. In '99 I realized that by 1899 the Frontier was "closed" and the death knell for the horse as a working tool and partner had been sounded. How many people using horses in 1899-1900 really knew that in 40 or 50 years society would loose the daily contact with man's partner for so many centuries? My family has had connectons with the horse for years.
Farmers, Cavalry, Ranching......My great grandad was in the business of buying and selling teams for delivery work till the horse was obselete in out area-- the 1930's. My grandmother rode saddle horse in the auctions ring as a girl. It skipped a generation but I carry the equine gene in my line to this day and have passed it to my son.
So some time this afternoon I will throw a saddle on my old paint gelding and we will check fence for a hour or so. I could do this with the pick up but I won't. Same tommorow. My horse knows what this is about. He knows that he and I honor the past doing this. He ( and most horses kept other than Lawn Ornaments) well, you can all feel them swell with pride under saddle when they partner with you.
Dogs may be man's best freind.... but the horse as a partner is a lynchpin in human history. * copywrited 2002 JARiley
-----So much for the "time of the end" since 1914!
HB ( rap music must mean the end is near class)
Edited by - hillbilly on 1 January 2003 19:33:58