Hi- the snow is gone, my grass is greening up and my motorcycle started.... life is good!
hi- the snow is gone, my grass is greening up and my motorcycle started.... life is good!.
Hi- the snow is gone, my grass is greening up and my motorcycle started.... life is good!
I am still around, just dang busy... hope all of you are doing well.... the new bride is keeping me busy (plus summer is "chore time" here in the Great White North)
howdy all-.
mrs. s henderson of kentucky has agreed to give her hand in marriage to me at grayson kentucky on the 24th of may.
the ceremony will take place at the carter county courthouse at 10 am.. i want to thank all my freinds here for the support, advice and encouragment i have taken away from this forum in the last year.. ~hillbilly ( jeff riley)
Howdy all-
Mrs. S Henderson of Kentucky has agreed to give her hand in marriage to me at Grayson Kentucky on the 24th of May. The ceremony will take place at the Carter County Courthouse at 10 am.
I want to thank all my freinds here for the support, advice and encouragment I have taken away from this forum in the last year.
~Hillbilly ( Jeff Riley)
just been real busy!
plus my machine whent fubar and lost all my data.... oh by the way, i am getting married.
found a marvelous woman and things are right so we are going for it soon.. .
Just been real busy! Plus my machine whent FUBAR and lost all my data...
Oh by the way, I am getting married. Found a marvelous woman and things are right so we are going for it soon.
~~~ sorry to have been away from all of you so much! Hillbilly
regardless of where any stand on the upcoming war, all have said they support the troops.
here is a chance to show that support.
this site is a board strictly for messages to the troops.
Uncle Bruce-
now now hillbilly - don't get too excited. (this is just opinion) .. before ya start waving old gory in my face note:
Don't you see how making this personal is just silly?
Listen you blowhard- as soon as you impuned anyone who would voluteer for the military you made this real damned personal.
You will know without a doubt when I am excited and your bull sure aint enough to ruffle my feathers. Please note that I would defile my nations flag by waving it in your face, Unclebruce.
Ever had anyone die in your arms hillbilly?
No- but I have been real damned close... in the feild.... I work in a very dangerous business and see more bad stuff daily than you would care to know about.
Ever killed women and kids point blank?
NO- have you ever had a firearm pointed or discharged at you in earnest? Thought not- let me know when you do --its exilerating to say the least. And I wouldnt hesitate to shoot anyone who posed a defensive threat to my or my family if safe retreat was not possible.
but the sad fact is that after years of being lied to and spindoctored by a US more interested in the appearence of things than reality, we can't and don't trust Uncle Sam.
Hey Dippy boy-- I read European newpapers and other non US media on a regular basis.... Spindoctors.... give me a break!
The US government has been overthrowing democratically elected governments as well as non-representative ones for years on the basis of what is best for the mirky multinational industrialists.
True, very well true.... but when we (US and UK) dominated the Mid East region the natives did'nt deliver terror to North America and Europe wholesale like they are now.
And while we are at it IT IS ALL ABOUT OIL and MONEY! Is that a bad thing? We seem to forget that the west invested millions of dollars in the Mid East only to have them extort us with the oil we developed for them.
unclebruce who kills sick and injured wildlife but doesn't get off on it.
What the hell are ya drinking anyway old man? Are you implying that I do kill sick and injured wild life and get off on it?
Hillbilly ( and I think you owe an apology to every mother who ever lost a child in combat Uncle Bruce- and to everyone who has served their nation, especially the allies of your UK)
regardless of where any stand on the upcoming war, all have said they support the troops.
here is a chance to show that support.
this site is a board strictly for messages to the troops.
Sheila- you go girl! Bruce and Bertie you have done it now- unleashing the wrath and ire of a White Star Mother!
By the way, I have 3 Gold stars of my kin who gave their all defending Europe in the last go- round.
Before you comment on US history and Indian relations I hope you will reveiw the UK's treatment of indigeneous folks during the last couple of centuriesBy the way- some of my "Indian Fightin"
the US Army have a long vile history of killing defenceless men, women and kids from the black hills of Dakota to the dark green hills of indo-china
relatives "escaped" the totalitarian John Bull.... and have served the US ARMY for over 125 years.... reflecting a proud legacy of IRISH AMERICANS in the US. My only regret is having been involved in the JW hooey during my active duty years.
By the Way - Give em Hell Boys! First one in Bagdad to piss on Sadam gets a free beer from Hillbilly when he gets home!
regardless of where any stand on the upcoming war, all have said they support the troops.
here is a chance to show that support.
this site is a board strictly for messages to the troops.
Bruce and Berten
I will gently disagree with your swill and gladly liberate your respective countries again ( I hope to God not in my lifetime) if need be. Tax dollars or in the flesh- whatever the powers that be would ask of me is OK. I would supose you will be among the first to welcome US troops into your respective countries the next time your nations are up against it with their backs to the wall.
Before you comment on US history and Indian relations I hope you will reveiw the UK's treatment of indigeneous folks during the last couple of centuries.
Finally I am NOT an "America -Right or Wrong" kinda guy but your attitudes about volunteer military personel "deserving" to be in the situation we are in now sickens me. I am glad your fathers had enough spine to "cover the six" of several of my relatives in the last world war. I am glad I wont have to depend on YOU two to cover mine .
So with due respect- Get Bent!
Thanks - i feel much better now!
i posted this at vincent's this morning.
re: re: vincent-------goes underground 24-feb-03 07:06feb 24, 2003. .
post 2234 of 2235. since 25-mar-00.
Cowboy-- My deepest sympathy to you and your family over the recent passing of your mother..........
"May the circle be unbroken", Brother.
yea-- but I dont live there anymore............ know anyone up in St. Joe?