Craig- slow down 'ol buddy.... we may have to get you a "brain truss" if you keep this up.
I seem to have read an article that supposed the the speed of light wasnt "exactly" 186,000 mph... just pinch slower.
long ago, in 1969, awake!
published the one and only article they ever published about einstein's theory of relativity.. einstein's theory is in the news now as the gravity probe b has recently been launched in order to measure the "frame dragging" predicted by general relativity theory as the probe orbits the earth.. if i remember correctly the 1969 awake article questioned whether einstein's theory was correct.
i doubt very much that there was anyone then, or even now, at bethel who was even remotely qualified to question einstein's theory, but, then again, lack of qualifications hasn't ever held the wt back from writing articles.. the wt library cds only have awakes going back to 1970, so i will have to find a bound volume if i want to read that article again.. anyone else here interested in einstein's theory of gravitation?.
Craig- slow down 'ol buddy.... we may have to get you a "brain truss" if you keep this up.
I seem to have read an article that supposed the the speed of light wasnt "exactly" 186,000 mph... just pinch slower.
long ago, in 1969, awake!
published the one and only article they ever published about einstein's theory of relativity.. einstein's theory is in the news now as the gravity probe b has recently been launched in order to measure the "frame dragging" predicted by general relativity theory as the probe orbits the earth.. if i remember correctly the 1969 awake article questioned whether einstein's theory was correct.
i doubt very much that there was anyone then, or even now, at bethel who was even remotely qualified to question einstein's theory, but, then again, lack of qualifications hasn't ever held the wt back from writing articles.. the wt library cds only have awakes going back to 1970, so i will have to find a bound volume if i want to read that article again.. anyone else here interested in einstein's theory of gravitation?.
Jim- No debate intended.... I think we see things the same way- from from different sides of the coin.
By the way, I have found this whole thread enjoyable.
---------------- HB
i have been sick and tired of not doing anything about the constant lies i get from the wt organization on various issues such as the u.n. no one from my parents to brooklyn can give me a straight answer on anything.
so, yesterday, i decided to take a different approach.
i live near a kh that actually has a apartment built on to the side of it for the co who serves all of the kh's in my area including my old hall that is over an hour away from where i currently live.
I took a pound of hide of off several elders and CO's , etc over the years. The camel that broke my straw back was the session I had after my active JW wife left (in a "non sanctioned- sanctioned divorce for no grounds).
To borrow a phrase from one of the "Austin Powers" movie I had to ask "why won't he die?" This guy was brain dead and no amount of well placed reason or logic would crack this nut.
Maybe it's me... but I find it most tiring and counter-productive to pound on the active JW. Some nuts just won't crack.
Life is short----------Hill
i have been sick and tired of not doing anything about the constant lies i get from the wt organization on various issues such as the u.n. no one from my parents to brooklyn can give me a straight answer on anything.
so, yesterday, i decided to take a different approach.
i live near a kh that actually has a apartment built on to the side of it for the co who serves all of the kh's in my area including my old hall that is over an hour away from where i currently live.
Does the phrase "Pissing up a rope" ring a bell? Confront your PO, CO or DO it's all the same.
Sorta like wrasslin' a pig, you won't win and the pig enjoys it.
My advice... Go do something enjoyable, wine good dinner, movie, whatever!
------Hill (why validate the bastards class)
long ago, in 1969, awake!
published the one and only article they ever published about einstein's theory of relativity.. einstein's theory is in the news now as the gravity probe b has recently been launched in order to measure the "frame dragging" predicted by general relativity theory as the probe orbits the earth.. if i remember correctly the 1969 awake article questioned whether einstein's theory was correct.
i doubt very much that there was anyone then, or even now, at bethel who was even remotely qualified to question einstein's theory, but, then again, lack of qualifications hasn't ever held the wt back from writing articles.. the wt library cds only have awakes going back to 1970, so i will have to find a bound volume if i want to read that article again.. anyone else here interested in einstein's theory of gravitation?.
Jim-- I stand by my statement about "high school graduates". Your experience is positive, as it appears that you may have been exposed to the classic "10%" of kids who actually acheive the competence that US schools make available to those who work at learning. It seems like I get the other 90% here.
I guess the statement appears a bit "broad brushing". I guess my frustration is due that the skill set I teach also requires a person to have a appitute for logic and deductive reasoning. If the folks I train can't reason and evaluate cause and effect, well, the may end up dead. (I work in High Voltage and Extra high voltage transmission and distribution lines).
I have worked in a trade union who expected appretice line men and electricians or other technicians to be able to solve a basic variable equation like Ohm's Law.
I get to haggle with our principle engineer often. He sent out an accident investigation and explained floating voltage on an ungrounded delta circuit using a advanced trig equation and graphing solution. I got it. Nobody else did. Fact is, he's educated beyond his intelligence and a nitwit. No one would try to "explain" the problem (and safety solution) in this manner but this guy.
Dear Mr. Ford was a general powerplant mechanic at Detroit Edison while he putted with his car building in a back alley garage. Without good financing he would have never gone anyplace. R E Olds and folks like the Dodge Brothers from Niles, Mi were just as "inventive" and now , overlooked in historical context.
As far a farmers and blacksmiths... yep, those were the feilds of endevor that spured invention at the time. "Necessity is the mother of invention".
Yea- Albert was a frustrated Clerk in the Patent office. Some folks figure he may have had ADD or some other learning disability. For my money, Nicolas Telsa (The brain at Westinghouse) or George Steinmetz (Edisons hired- gun brainiac) brought a lot more to the table.
good thread! and glad to see you feeling better Jim!
(I would edit this but I am having a spelling and grammer lapse today)
---------Hill (Pi are round, corbreads are square class)
long ago, in 1969, awake!
published the one and only article they ever published about einstein's theory of relativity.. einstein's theory is in the news now as the gravity probe b has recently been launched in order to measure the "frame dragging" predicted by general relativity theory as the probe orbits the earth.. if i remember correctly the 1969 awake article questioned whether einstein's theory was correct.
i doubt very much that there was anyone then, or even now, at bethel who was even remotely qualified to question einstein's theory, but, then again, lack of qualifications hasn't ever held the wt back from writing articles.. the wt library cds only have awakes going back to 1970, so i will have to find a bound volume if i want to read that article again.. anyone else here interested in einstein's theory of gravitation?.
Holy cheese and crackers ONA--- Last time we talked you were having trouble with "plumb" and "level".
I teach basic electrical theory for an apprenticeship program. I am always amazed how "high school graduates" have no understanding of basic science and concepts of mass, energy and time.
"Thinking" and "thought" are a lost art in our times. Seems we forget that most of the "breakthroughs" in technology were brought to us by farmers and blacksmiths in the 1800's. The pure scientists and theory guys are great... but common sense manages to find application most every time.
-------------Hill (the eagle flies over the indian and reservation class)
i can sleep on either side but i prefer the right side.
my first ex husband always insisted we change based on which side was closer to the door.
i'll be the pillow where you lay your head, lay your head.
MIDDLE--- just work around me!
there was some really piddily-crap that i remember.. for instance, when i was about 17 toe-rings became popular, and one of the sisters bought one....wore it to the kh during the summer with her sandals.
my best friend in the hall wanted one, which of course caused this huge debate about whether it would be okay 'in jehovah's eyes', and didn't it go against the scripture that counsels women against "bodily adornment", blah-blah-blah.
toe rings??!
Grow a beard.... na, eat pu**, go to college, na, join a labor union, wait..make a living and pay my many silly things-so much wasted time
.jw mother last night.
to recap, i have been posting about how my 17 yo daughter is dating an 18 yo unbaptized jw, carl.
they are madly in love (or whatever) and i support and approve of their dating since he has proven to be a good respectful kid with brains and the ability to think for himself.
Very Progressive Corvin... Mom sounds like she's on the fence to even speak with you or "allow" the situation at all...
Btw.when I speak with my neice's boyfreinds I always make a point to conduct the session whilst I am washing the pit bull or cleaning firearms
And my Bears and those Lions would be in a 5 man flag football program by now.......wait till "next year" sister cheesehead!