Can't speak for the others Dan, but I have a feeling they are really smart folks.
Ona suprises me. He works as a carpenter and everyone in the trades knows that a carpenter is a (your choice here) Plumber, Ironworker or Mason who's brain has been removed. It is common knowlege that electricians are near the "top-of-the food chain" and electrical lineman are the top of the food chain. Plumbers need only the knowlege tha SH*T goes downhill and payday is Friday.
Enginers. who knows? You can always spot and outgoing, gregarious, socially well adjusted enginer. They make eye contact with YOUR shoes during conversation. I like it when they fire up that big calculator and the lights dim down and you feel the air pressure change in the building.
24/7 intellect. Hardley, but science surrounds us if we pay attention.
Me, lots of PBS, about 2 years of college and a bunch of training/experience in applied electrical trades and technology. Learned to drive airplanes once upon a time too- lots of basic physics to learn and respect in that hobby. I am a recreational shooter and reload ammunition to improve ballistics, again a physics based hobbby.
Over the years in order to maintain home and hearth I learned to weld and spent some time learning various applied sciences while taking classes in Agriculture. Ion trasference is the key to fertilizer and boy cows like girl cows because...........I picked up a little knowlege of physiology and orthapedics from trimming and shoeing horses.
Plus, most importantly, I have a weird ablility to remember all sorts of useless trivial stuff. Some days I need directions home clipped on the truck's visor yet am always aware the Battle of Hastings was in 1099. Francs, Normans , Celts, penguins dive deeper than any other flightless birds...on and on!
Did you know that if you wrapped Earth (at the equator) with wire 10 complete times with a wire connected to a lamp on one end and a switch on the other the lamp would light before the switch operator could count "1001, 1002"?
Go Figure? Oh yea, 20 years of avid "Awake" reading had to help.... hahahahahahaha!
----------Hill (i can frame a house roof with a framing square= trig class)