The Masonic order are just one of many in a large network of "Secret Societies" It's just fills that 'mystic' niche some people need. Almost the same was the Organization filled that special sense of secret belonging.
The ties between Masonic teaching and the Watchtower are HIGHLY intriguing. It's a little more interesting when you take in account some of the ties with Satanism and Masonry and then compare them against the features that tie the Organization with Masonry. It comes a bit full circle and is really quite alarming.
I will offer a bit of warning once you do so you are unable to sleep and are left a bit uneasy.. A good starting place is the origins of the NWT bible. And do some real research, you'll find good preliminaries on some standard anti JW sites. I would research a man by the last name of Greuber a catholic turned spiritist Masonic member who's teachings and theories on the bible are almost word for word the Watchtower's doctrine. His New Testatment rendering he wrote himself also bears STRIKING resemblance to the NWT.
Again be warned you may be up until 3:30 am just like I am now!
JoinedPosts by asimpleservant
My grandparents were Freemasons!
by LovesDubs ini was looking up something about the symbols on russels grave and came across a web site freemasons cemeteries and cemetery symbols that talks about those things and amongst them was the order of the eastern star!
i realized in doing my geneaology that my moms mom was a member of the eastern star and that in order to be so you have to be related to a freemason!
and that the eastern star while not a religious sect in itself, is based on religious ideology and has members apparently of deeply religious convictions.
growing up witness
by milligal ini grew up a witness and i never felt bad about my lack of material belongings a.k.a.
not having nice clothes in school, it didn't bother me that the other first graders were stuffing their faces with birthday cupcakes and i was in the school library researching fossils; but what did bother me?
my cool cousins.
Again, I did not mean any offense. I didn't "get out" at age 17 I did however seize an opportunity not many others got. A close relative in California offered to let me come and stay with his family while I weathered a spat of trouble with some other youths in my congregation. While there I continued to serve and go in the ministry a bit. It was just weird the whole theme of the congregation in Southern California vs. Indiana was a great deal different. These new differences afforded me a real chance to put my mind in a different area. I continued as a witness until age 23. I was married as a Witness, to a Witness and led a very typical "witness" life according to most witnesses. (Try saying that three times fast!) I guess I'm trying to just throw light on a different perspective for variety's sake. Being raised in the "truth" I learned early on what we were doing. We were taught, trained, raised to find a tactic, a method that would not only get what we wanted across but also get it agreed with. I became by the age of 10 in absolute awe with the hold the Organization could have over a single person and the things it could make them do. Then it dawned on me. It wasn't some invisible organization doing it. It was me, others. Us. From then on the Ministry School, Service Meetings and Field Service took on a whole new meaning to me and became a training tool. It wasn't the doctrine or the 'word' that I was learning from. It was the functioning and the timing of the Organization itself that was teaching me. It was the example I was following. POs, COs and DOs were prime examples for me oh how you gather, group and conduct a group of people. How you motivate and orchestrate things that wouldn't normally be possible. I will come out and state that no I am not proud looking back on how I acted with my knowledge. I have personally done some very despicable things. It is a learning process every day that I'm alive. I have a vague hope that I can at least awaken SOMEONE to the fact that beneath all the scars the Organization left you with that they also have you a very valuable tool. Again, do not hold anything personal against me, I was merely (as always) speaking from personal opinion. If I did offend I surely didn't mean it that way. Some times I am very swift to attack from left field when I am only trying to help in the means of being the Devil's Advocate, or Russell's Advocate. Have a good night!
growing up witness
by milligal ini grew up a witness and i never felt bad about my lack of material belongings a.k.a.
not having nice clothes in school, it didn't bother me that the other first graders were stuffing their faces with birthday cupcakes and i was in the school library researching fossils; but what did bother me?
my cool cousins.
Hello, I really didn't intend on offending any one. I am very sorry. I do however feel that people blame the Organization for what little they have now. Just speaking on a personal level about some of the ones I know locally who are ex-witnesses. They all have this ax to grind because the Watchtower has "stolen their big chance from them" to make a difference or become some one. Like this one guy who at 32 is still painting walls for 7.65 an hour and loudly claims it's because the organization crippled him to the point he can't hold another job. He's an individual who plays 7 instruments and paints beautiful pictures but doesn't seem to be able to harvest his own path any where else. It's just of my personal belief that if he had enough intelligence to leave and enough self respect to not be a pawn any more he also should have enough faculty to find his niche and a better more stables means of supporting himself. I just feel he using the Organization as a total cop out from real world responsibilities, it's almost like he's still in it! Zach
growing up witness
by milligal ini grew up a witness and i never felt bad about my lack of material belongings a.k.a.
not having nice clothes in school, it didn't bother me that the other first graders were stuffing their faces with birthday cupcakes and i was in the school library researching fossils; but what did bother me?
my cool cousins.
Hello, I grew up a Witness but not just any Witness! I grew up a "Homeschooled in the woods" Witness. I got Pioneer hours right along with my mom every single day from age 7 until age 17 or so. I never wanted for much. I had food, shelter and some clothes. Yes I may of looked like Pat from Saturday Night Live for a period in my life but gradually I corrected that issue on my own. Growing up a Witness you are pretty much forced into whatever trade is common in the congregation, normally dictated by whatever brother has the most successful business, (Welding shop, Housekeeping, Garbage Service) You usually go to one of those for about 6.50 an hour and once you prove to them that your not only going to give 110% to them but also in service you'll see 7.50 an hour. At least thats how it was here. This however did NOT excite me at all. I left home at 17 and flew to LA. From there I pursued a job as a private caregiver. After that I got a small degree and held a position as a preschool teacher for a good six years and since I have found myself in the Pharmaceutical business as an Engineering Assistant. If being a Witness and going feet first into the service has taught me anything it was that I could walk into an interview with a solid presentation, a smile and the ability to MAKE them hire me. I smile at the ones here who taunt the Organization as a "Borg" or those who claim it did nothing but keep them shut in. What many people fail to realize is that most of us as Ex-Witness were given the ability and training to walk into people's home and get them to turn over their life, hearts and souls to the organization. As scary it sounds, I see it as a valuable skill. No instead of furthering the interests of the Satanically Driven Faithful Slave. I can use my training in benefit of me. And I have been for many years. So say what you want about how it was so bad when you were a Witness and how out of the loop you were. You didn't see the big picture. You didn't learn the lessons or let the Organization teach you by it's TRUE example. I did these things and I have to say. My dreams were as easy as showing up to an interview with a smile a suit and a briefcase. -Story over.
Lonely endeavour.
by asimpleservant init's been almost 3 years since i've become inactive.
my inactivity was due to a divorce.
i finally awoke to the fact i was in an abusive and non working relationship and i got out.
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!
I likened the JW memorial to being like a black mass in the sense that it's the only other Passover/Memorial ritual where no one partakes of the host and where Jesus' suffering and torture is transfixed upon. It was something that even at the age of 16 I recognized and always had questions about. I even asked an elder or two as a younger kid and was just kind of patted on the head. I was always the imaginative one and never taken too seriously.
And to answer some questions, yes I have many friends. Even as a Witness I maintained three "worldly" friends they were those who never criticized or questioned my faith and religion so I felt it only fitting never to do so of their life styles either. I chose to serve as a silent Witness to them and each one has a higher level of respect for Witnesses than a normal person would.
Another connection I've made as of late is the alarming amount of procedural similarities between the JWs and the Mormons. I have befriended a few 'traveling missionaries' in my area and we compare notes and internal papers (Time sheets, territory cards, etc...) Not only that but the relation between Joseph Smith and Charles Taze Russell is quite interesting. The ties to them and Masonry make for a good story if anything!
Now I really am just wandering and doing what I do. I work for a large pharmaceutical company which is very cult like in it's own right! :) I have a girlfriend who has a beautiful little girl and we just live without fear or suspense of the "Great and fear inspiring days to come"
Again, thank you for your kindness. I look forward to having many conversations here!
Lonely endeavour.
by asimpleservant init's been almost 3 years since i've become inactive.
my inactivity was due to a divorce.
i finally awoke to the fact i was in an abusive and non working relationship and i got out.
Hello everyone,
It's been almost 3 years since I've become inactive. My inactivity was due to a divorce. I finally awoke to the fact I was in an abusive and non working relationship and I got out. The Elders weren't that harsh or really that intrusive.What did cause me to question my faith was one comment from an elder as we had a one on one meeting. It was to the effect that "The end is coming, can't you just bear it for a little while longer?" And the answer was No, I can't..
I haven't been hounded or shunned for that matter. I have allot of brothers and sisters that come up and talk to me when I am out in public. It makes things a little harder as I'm split in two. I would love to go back and visit with my friends but at the same time I see the glaring fallacies with the organization and have done extensive research on it's disturbing past. I have been reading messages on this bored for awhile now and have finally decided to get an account. I definitely sense a great deal pf anger with some. It tends to be those who served some kind of position in the congregation or who were dedicated ministers. I was the latter, having been a home schooled JW since the age of 7 I gladly went door to door happily for most of my life.I do though feel like I was nothing more than a number to the society, I filled out my forms at the end of the month, they stamped me with the "Saved" stamper and I was good for another month.
Something that has also drawn serious questions into my head is Johannes Greber, his thoughts on god and the bible as told to him by "fallen angels" They are almost word for word the Witness teaching! My investigation into these matters started while I was still a witness, about 16 or 17 I believe. It had dawned on me one day that our memorial services bore a STRIKING similarity to a satanic Black Mass and it has caused me to research the background of the Watchtower ever since. If there is any one that could prove me with more information to either disprove or backup some of my finding I would really like to talk to them.
Well I believe I've ranted on enough. Have a great day...
A simple servant.