rolling stones
led zeppelin
pink floyd
billy joel
zz top
eric clapton
stray cats
the boss.................
rock from the 50's to the 90's
...or mp3 player?.
here's a sample from my current playlist: david archuleta: to be with you.
dan fogelberg: same old lang syne.
rolling stones
led zeppelin
pink floyd
billy joel
zz top
eric clapton
stray cats
the boss.................
rock from the 50's to the 90's
i was married for 20 years to a brown nosing, power hungry elder.
his headship was so overbearing i was basically a prisoner.
he would not let me associate with my dear parents (father an elder, mother a pioneer) because they were too liberal as witnesses (they did things like save seats at the assemblies when we were told not to).
Is there someone out there that can help this pea brain understand the depth of love of this organization?
If i didn't know that it's God's organisation,i would think it was satan's...
1. it ruins people lives and spirit.
i did,as a teenager
1. it ruins people lives and spirit.
It stills your life and when you wake up and look back you want to die!
anybody like to contribute a few suggested questions - should be less that 12 words.. .
Who translated the NWT ?
right now at bethel, they are laying off and reassigning again.
if you have cancer or some other illness, you are a liability and it's time to pack.
i remember the night when we had the special talk about there being a great need in the field and some would be sent out.
So just out of curiosity,what are the chances of a young witness to get at bethel today?
I know an elder on a nearby congregation who's being grooming his son,now 19,for a bethel career.
same way i like me women.....sweet and strong with lots of milk.......
Espresso with sugar....
i listened in to the conf call tonight.
one thing that i got from it was that apparently (and the wording might be a little wrong) is that elders or ms will be removed if they are going to college or university.
a person encouraging another to go to college will be removed as well.
Wolfy,sounds like you've been sacrificed at the watchtower altar.
One of many,too many......
i have finally finished an article outlining the deceptive way in which the watchtower presents its anti-trinitarian information.
any constructive criticism such as regarding errors that may have crept in is welcome.
since i cannot embed a page i hope entering the html code works, otherwise it can be read at
Great stuff jwfacts,i've just added your web site to my favored,thanks for taking the time to reserch and post all this info.
so simon is closing the forum.. i thought randy was running it .
when i found out that simon was closing because he received threats i supposed they came from the wts but from what i can understand that's not the case.. so who is it?.
thanks changeling