WT teachings are that the Kingdom of God aka Kingdom of the Heavens is simply a Government. It is ruled by Jesus Christ and the 144,000.
Matthew 25:31 - 46 - Speaks of the all the nations gathered before Jesus they are then separated into sheep from the goats. The sheep enter the Kingdom and the Goats everlasting cutting off.
You are either a sheep or a goat and there are only two destinations... the Kingdom or Everlasting cutting off.
Sounds like the Kingdom is more than just a government, unless of course when Jesus returns to judge there will only be 144,000 faithful ones!!!
Also the evildoer who was executed with Jesus asked Jesus to remember him when he (Jesus) when into his Kingdom. Jesus responded that you will be with me in paradise. Again, appears the Kingdom and Paradise are one of the same. Luke 23: 42-43.
Jesus taught that you MUST be born again in order SEE or ENTER the Kingdom of God - John 3: 5 and 7. The WT teach that only the 144,000 enter the Kingdom, therefore, they are the only ones who need to be born again.
The Bible teaches that Paradise is part of the Kingdom; everlasting life is part of the Kingdom, therefore, an entry requirement is being Born again.
The WT teachings on the Kingdom are wrong and destructive therefore will result in many not entering the kingdom. Reminds me of the what Jesus said to the Pharisees... that they shut up the Kingdom of the heavens before men, since you do not enter yourself - Matthew 23:13