Since I couldn't possibly reason with Dunsscot any better than many who already have, I'll play to my strenghts: wit and sarcasm, your individual appreciation of which may vary.
Furthermore, Kant suggests that we are locked up in our minds. Thus, we can only deal with phenomena, not noumena.
Would this be positive noumena, or negative noumena? Never mind, it was all double-speak anyway.
I think that no matter what religious organization one chooses to commune with, he or she has to exercise his or her critical thinking abilities.
So you joined one that punishes its members for doing just such a thing?
Read GWF Hegel and you will get my drift.
Let me recommend a higly respected Doctor for
you to read. Dr. Seuss knew how to write to an audience. His writing is simultaneously simple and thought-provoking. He uses made-up nonsense words, as well, but at least he's entertaining.
Introspection said:
You seem like a well educated fellow,
he seems to me like that guy in Good Will Hunting; the guy in the bar who is trying to pick up Minnie Driver by embarrassing Ben Affleck. Matt Damon exposes the guy as a fraud who is parroting his latest textbooks, and who will be parroting a new theory next semester, and a new one after that, but who has no real understanding or opinions of his own (at least I haven't been able to locate more than one or two actual thoughts in all Duns' gibberish.)
Secondly, part of Spirit's unfoldment involves (in this case) believing that the part equals the whole at times.
So let me get this straight: You say that we can't be sure that 2+2=4, but in order to accept JW dogma we must be willing to say that 2=4? Makes perfect sense, considering that we're also asked to believe that 1884=1914=1922=1925=194?=1975=before the end of the 20th Century.
Our cognitive powers do not function as they should in our infralapsarian state.
Ah, so you believe in Grace? Finally, an opinion! But it was discovered long long ago, in a galaxy far far away, that our infralapsarian state can be combatted by reversing the metachrystal in the Heisenberg Discombobulator until the fronian leptons align properly. This is hard to do, but if one uses the Force, it can be accomplished. "There is no try. There is only do" (Yoda)
We must deal with a form of inertia that affects our very being or existence.
Could you enlighten me as to what, if any, form(s) of inertia does NOT affect our being/existence?
Thus the imperfect men of the GB may stress conformity to certain ideas that are not in fact fully formed. But we must not be hindered by such small details. The whole is more important than its constituent parts: I look at what the JWs teach as whole.
Just prior to this, you said that a part can equal the whole. Then you say the GB can be wrong about parts. Then you say you look at (accept) what the GB teaches as a whole. So you accept the wrong parts, which make up the whole, becoming the whole wrong of GB teachings? Interesting.
Each autonomous subject IS an end in itself"
JWs aren't autonomous subjects. They're heteronomous subjects.
Descartes aptly writes that I cannot establish with any certainty that I am either awake or asleep.
I must confess that I'm not as up on my Descartes as I would like to be. Does he address whether you are either Watchtower or asleep? Aren't they synonymous? (OK, that was a little below the belt)
My thoughts on blood transfusion are as follows. There is no explicit command to abstain from blood transfusions, but there seems to be a Bible principle that suggests one should not ingest blood in any way. Should taking blood thus be a matter of conscience? I personally think it should. And by this statement, I do not mean that we should consider those who take blood transfusions to be our former brothers, who have shown they did not want the truth. A matter of conscience should be a matter of conscience.
Yet you support an organization that spiritually kills people if they don't follow their conscience if it leads them to accept blood? You support an organization that kills people physically and/or spiritually, with the excuse that you're not sure whether you're dreaming or not?
maybe you should rename yourself after the person who REALLY inspires your writing style:
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
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