Me - fading (32 years old)
Brother - DF'd (26 years old)
Sister - dont attend but still believes (30 years old)
i am wondering if my family is similar to yours... i have 2 sisters and 1 brother.
my older sister and i were 5 and 7 years old when my parents joined.
my other sister and brother were "born in".
Me - fading (32 years old)
Brother - DF'd (26 years old)
Sister - dont attend but still believes (30 years old)
joshua wasn't done butchering people, "not enough time in the day" to chop up "god's enemies" so he says: "yeah hi jehovah, just wondering if you could make the sun stand still for me so i can continue the slaughter...thanks.
" no problem!
god stops the earths rotation {which should cause it to drift from the sun or crash into the moon} and holds it for joshua.
Did anyone on the other side of the earth tell the story about how the sun never came up one day?
a friend of mine ended his life two weeks ago.
hadn't actually talked to him in years, as we lived over an hour from each other and, since i'm an ex-jw, i assumed he wouldn't want to talk to me anyway.
his mom called to tell me the sad news and to give me the time and location of the visitation, which i thought was a very kind thing to do considering she knows my 'status'.. anyway, on the way out of the funeral home, i came face-to-face with an elder from my former hall.
I just went to a funeral for a friends husband. My friend is DF'd and her husband was never a witness. There was a mix of active witnesses and DF'd witnesses. It was very interesting to see how this will seperate friends and family at a funeral. It made me sick to see a family split apart because of this religion (Cult)
i always read h2o, randy's site and anything that might stay current.
i think it was h2o that said they were closing there but another site was opening and it was this one.. i'm curious how you got to find this place..
Googled "jehovahs witness"
glad I did
has anyone seen the supposed number of the anointed from the memorial this year.
if not why aren't they putting this number out there, is it because the # has increased once again???
They will release the number, and then say that it proves that it is getting close.
My guess is 9768.
Even if the count was 144,001 they would still think that it was a literal number.
i just spoke with my jw dad.
he said that the last days did not start in 1914. he said that the last days don't have a date for starting that it is a general time frame that we are living in now.
we know that because all of the signs of the last days are seen by everyone.. .
I just went to the offical website and found this.
Jesus foretold that 'nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.' (Matthew 24:7) In 1914 the world became involved in a war that saw the mobilizing of nations and kingdoms in a way that was different from any war before it. In recognition of that fact, historians at the time called it the Great War. It was the first war of its kind in history, the first world war. Some 20,000,000 soldiers and civilians lost their lives, far more than in any previous war.
World War I marked the beginning of the last days. Jesus said that this and other events would be "a beginning of pangs of distress." (Matthew 24:8) That proved true, as World War II was even more deadly, some 50,000,000 soldiers and civilians losing their lives. In this 20th century, well over 100,000,000 people have been killed in wars, more than four times as many as in the previous 400 years put together! What an enormous condemnation of human rule!
Did WW1 mark the beginning of the last days. I thought that the last days started in Oct 1914?
hope this link works.
I love Mr. Deity !!
*** lv chap.
13 pp.
144-159 celebrations that displease god ***.
I remember when I used to try to figure out what I can do and what I can't do.
It's good to be free.
i was just told by my dad that my name was brought up last night in the elders meeting.. my dad (is or was) an elder, and he told me that the elders are going to be giving me a call.
they have heard rumors that i am an apostate !!.
he said that the elders received a call from another hall that heard that i was an apostate and 1 local brother also turned me in.. does this mean that they have 2 witness to my sin and that they can df me without a jc?.
It went better then I expected. I found out that it was my dad that brought my name up to the elders and told on me. It sounds like to me that they are willing to let it go and leave me along for awhile.
I have a recording of the meeting and I might post it online.
I told them that I am just weak and just need some more time to read the bible.
i was just told by my dad that my name was brought up last night in the elders meeting.. my dad (is or was) an elder, and he told me that the elders are going to be giving me a call.
they have heard rumors that i am an apostate !!.
he said that the elders received a call from another hall that heard that i was an apostate and 1 local brother also turned me in.. does this mean that they have 2 witness to my sin and that they can df me without a jc?.
My profile is messed up and I dont know how to change it. I am not df'd, that profile is my brother how was using my account for awhile because he cant log in. I am the brother that he wrote about in the profile.