I need to know how many here have fake facebook profiles.
I am one of them, and I think that I have seen a few of you on facebook.
Can you let me know who you are? I can PM you and tell you who, my fake profile is.
i need to know how many here have fake facebook profiles.
i can pm you and tell you who, my fake profile is.. .
I need to know how many here have fake facebook profiles.
I am one of them, and I think that I have seen a few of you on facebook.
Can you let me know who you are? I can PM you and tell you who, my fake profile is.
excellent documentary.
i couldn't believe the similarities.
listening to the "apostates" within the mormons is like listening to one of us.. this should be watched by ex-jdubs and regular jdubs.
Last night he sent me a text and said that he was watching this show with his JW wife, I hope that it can get her to see the truth also.
excellent documentary.
i couldn't believe the similarities.
listening to the "apostates" within the mormons is like listening to one of us.. this should be watched by ex-jdubs and regular jdubs.
This is the show that helped me break my ties with the Watchtower.
Here is a brief version of my story:
I was born and raised a JW. I was a pioneer for the summer months during my school years. Then I became a full time pioneer when I was 18. I finished 1 year. I was with my pioneer friends all them time for about 2 years.
Then I got married and had kids, I started cutting my meetings down (because I didn't want to go).
Then about 3 or 4 years ago, I saw this mormon documentary. I was very interested in it and watched the whole show, I think that there were about 2 or 3 parts to it.
After watching it, I went to work and talked to a co-worker (married to a JW) and I said that the mormons are crazy. Then it was his reply that changed me forever !!
He asked me 1 question that changed me: HAVE YOU EVER CHECKED INTO YOUR RELIGION?
I walked out of his office over to mine and for the first time I typed in "Jehovahs Witness" in the google bar.
That brought me to the TRUTH about the "Truth".
i've lurking for months, and have enjoyed the various personalities on the board.
i'm pretty sure that i've seen this topic done on an old thread, but i don't want to get my buddy asilentone all riled up by performing a resurrection.
minimus- cause he is funny.
I would drink beer (or Captin) with anyone on here. Is anyone is the WI or MN area?
it was only this past weekend that i finally stated (both aloud and in print) that i would never attend another meeting again.
like many brothers before me, i have decided to symbolize this new dedication to freedom for myself and my family with a beard..
1.they call themselves witnesses but they've never seen him.
jehovah.. 2. they call their religion the truth but it keeps changing.. 3. they are the only true religion.
even back when they taught things they now don't believe!.
did all of the livestock die in the 1st plague, or just some of them?.
6 and the lord did just as he had said.
the next morning all the livestock of the egyptians died, but the israelites didnt lose a single animal.. .
"The other night me and my friend Jeremy drank all the liquor in our house. Later that evening our armless friend JSHPH drove his 1992 Toyota CAmry over and asked if we had any light rum, so we gave him some."
did all of the livestock die in the 1st plague, or just some of them?.
6 and the lord did just as he had said.
the next morning all the livestock of the egyptians died, but the israelites didnt lose a single animal.. .
Sylvia, I have alot of respect for you, but I think that you are grasping at straws here.
Are you assuming that the bible is god word or have you let the bible speak for itself?
I have noticed that people who believe that the bible is god's word, are very quick to dismiss each contradiction with speculation or guessing.
I always hated this reasoning from the Watchtower:
A charge often made against the Bible is that it contradicts itself. Usually, people who make this charge have not personally read the Bible; they are merely repeating what they have heard.(What a complete load of crap) Some, though, have found what seem to be genuine contradictions and are troubled by them.
IF IT really is the Word of God, the Bible should be harmonious, not contradictory. (I agree with that) Why, then, do some passages seem to contradict others? To answer, we need to remember that, while the Bible is the Word of God, it was written down by a number of men over a period of several centuries. These writers had different backgrounds, writing styles, and gifts, and all these differences are reflected in the writing.
There are 100's of contradictions in the bible, just google them. Of course there are "answers" to each contradiction, BUT do the answers really answer?
did all of the livestock die in the 1st plague, or just some of them?.
6 and the lord did just as he had said.
the next morning all the livestock of the egyptians died, but the israelites didnt lose a single animal.. .
Did all of the livestock die in the 1st plague, or just some of them?
Exodus 9:6 (New Living Translation)
6 And the L ord did just as he had said. The next morning all the livestock of the Egyptians died, but the Israelites didn’t lose a single animal.
Exodus 9:6 (King James Version)
6And the LORD did that thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt died: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one.
Exodus 9:6 (English Standard Version)
6And the next day the LORD did this thing. (E) All the livestock of the Egyptians died, but not one of the livestock of the people of Israel died.
Exodus 9:6 (Contemporary English Version)
6It happened the next day--all of the animals belonging to the Egyptians died, but the Israelites did not lose even one.
Exodus 9:6 (New King James Version)
6 So the LORD did this thing on the next day, and all the livestock of Egypt died; but of the livestock of the children of Israel, not one died.
Exodus 9:6 (New Century Version)
6 The next day the Lord did as he promised. All the farm animals in Egypt died, but none of the animals belonging to Israelites died.
Exodus 9:6 (Darby Translation)
6And Jehovah did this thing on the following day, and all the cattle of Egypt died; but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one.
Exodus 9:6 (New World Translation)
Why does this matter?
Exodus 9:20 (New International Version)
20 Those officials of Pharaoh who feared the word of the LORD hurried to bring their slaves and their livestockinside.
Exodus 9:20 (New Living Translation)
20 Some of Pharaoh’s officials were afraid because of what the L ord had said. They quickly brought their servants and livestockin from the fields.
How could Pharaoh's servants still have livestock left when they were all destroyed?
Why don't the New World Translation say that they were all destroyed?
newbie, born-in, 30+ yrs, still trying to decide what i believe since all my options are now open...i can say i no longer feel the need to follow men.... i've lurked here for quite a while and enjoyed the ramblings of many, so since i'm now a member here are some of my ramblings.. it makes me sad that so many people will continue to do something just because they feel they have too much time and/or energy invested to stop and make a course correction, even if they see it's leading nowhere or to an undesirable end.
it also saddens me how some people are so preprogrammed to follow what others say that they feel extremely uncomfortable changing their views, deep seated or not, even when presented with uncontrovertable evidence that their views are at best unproven, and at worst simply not possible or even plausible.. but i also realize, that just like in the sci-fi fantasy world of the matrix, some sheeple just are not mentally prepared to leave their fantasy world.
it works for them, and who am i to tell them how they should live.
"some sheeple just are not mentally prepared to leave their fantasy world."