1.They call themselves Witnesses but they've never seen Him. Him who? Jehovah.
2. They call their religion THE TRUTH but it keeps changing.
3. They are the only true religion. Even back when they taught things they now don't believe!
If somebody writes you a check and passes it off as good---what are you supposed to think when it bounces?
Jehovah's Witnesses have been passing checks that aren't any good and signing Jehovah's name to them!
What checks? Checks that say 1975 will pay Armageddon and the 1000 year reign. Hey!
That one sure bounced!
Millions now living will never die--oops. Millions now living may never die--oops. Those bounced also.
Why does Jehovah allow people (these people with his name on their T-shirts) to write wrong things IN HIS NAME?
Nobody named Jehovah is paying any attention. Never has been.
There is no account with that name on it. The whole thing is a fraud.
Fool me once---shame on you. Fool me twice--shame on me.