Do you think that the "World Wide Preaching Work", would go faster if Jehovah would do it himself?
What would happen if this Invisible God "Jehovah", would just speak up and say something?
I would be a believer !!
do you think that the "world wide preaching work", would go faster if jehovah would do it himself?
what would happen if this invisible god "jehovah", would just speak up and say something?.
i would be a believer !!.
Do you think that the "World Wide Preaching Work", would go faster if Jehovah would do it himself?
What would happen if this Invisible God "Jehovah", would just speak up and say something?
I would be a believer !!
i recently completed making this video:.
the origin of life.
it's a quick look at the watchtower's new brochure.
Great Job !!
considering the fact we've had so many newbies here i thought it would be good to just open it up to you folks to see how life is going for you since you exited the witnesses ?
it's hard many times to move on- however with lots of ex-witnesses on the board here who have been through similar experiences - perhaps those of us who have been out awhile can give you someideas on how to move on in your post jw life to make it a little easier .
so fire away newbies and recently exited jw 's.
Getting better every day.
was the watchtower study yesterday the 4/15 watchtower?
or was it a different generation understanding?.
Was that the April 15th Watchtower?
was the watchtower study yesterday the 4/15 watchtower?
or was it a different generation understanding?.
Was the Watchtower study yesterday the 4/15 Watchtower? Or was it a different generation understanding?
i've been watching the new dvd and it is a bull fest about russell.
i haven't even gotten half way and they already excluded one very important bit of information.
you'll recall that russell "lost" his faith and "turning away from church creeds and searching for truth, russell examined some leading oriental religions, only to find these unsatisfying".
I would like the link also.
i think that we should return to the pepsi generation.. .
i think that we should return to the pepsi generation.. .
I think that we should return to the PEPSI Generation.
one idea for a memorial to ray franz:.
donate his two books to the local library.. crisis of conscience.
in search of christian freedom.
I am going to do my share, i will bring them to the library today.
if you believe that the bible is gods word, don't you get sick of making excuses for all the contradictions?.
If you believe that the bible is gods word, don't you get sick of making excuses for all the contradictions?
PS: My favorite car is the Honda Camery