Does anyone have the link for the YouTube video of the elder denying that there is a elders book?
does anyone have the link for the youtube video of the elder denying that there is a elders book?.
Does anyone have the link for the YouTube video of the elder denying that there is a elders book?
i've created a map in google maps for people to mark their location, you don't have to put your real identity if you don't want to.. you need to sign in with a google account, click the 'edit' button and then drop a marker on your location.
add a photo if you like!.
I am on the map.
while doing research this morning, i came across the following website ....
i can't see a religious affiliation, although i am inclined to think a possible adventist connection.. i could not find a referral to it here, just wondering if anybody has any info on this.
i thought jw's were the only ones who held to the 607 date..
I love this point from that website.
God has not made his Bible a book that is easy to read. The Bible is a book that should be studied, not a novel that people can just read and enjoy without great effort. It is obvious that God has not wanted to make it easy for people to understand His thoughts and intentions. If people really want to benefit from the wisdom and the knowledge that the Bible offers, a great effort and many hours of studying are required from them. But these do not go unrewarded. The Bible provides access to a source of knowledge and insight that surpasses all ordinary human knowledge and insight and is in fact perfect and limitless. God knows and understands everything that is to be known and understood. In His Bible, He presents all knowledge and insight that human beings need in their daily lives.
I would think that "god" would want to give us clear, and easy to understand, instructions on what he wants from us.
i've been noticing for a while now how the watchtower sometimes seems to change the meanings of words in the english language in order to not label jw's as anything that has anything to do with the rest of the world.. for example, this week's number 2 part in the theocratic ministry school dealt with: are jehovah's witnesses a sect?.
when i look to dictionaries for the definition of this word they all have similar meanings, albeit with different wording.
a group of people forming a distinct unit within a larger group by virtue of certain refinements or distinctions of belief or practice.
"Disfellowshipped" is not a word.
lets see who gets closer to the number.
bets will end when the new yearbook is ready (when is that?).
i say 11000.
My guess is 11,765.
He is funny, and I like him.
*** text for september-20-10 ***.
monday, september 20. abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block.-ps.
119:165.. the conduct of others never creates an excuse for our becoming bitter toward god or for abandoning a faithful course.
"That means, of course, being loyal to Jehovah." is = to "do what we say because we are Jehovah"
*** text for september-20-10 ***.
monday, september 20. abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block.-ps.
119:165.. the conduct of others never creates an excuse for our becoming bitter toward god or for abandoning a faithful course.
Mind control - at its finest !!
what went on in my old congregation will shock you all !!!
as it's late i will post asap and leave nothing out!!!.
Welcome !!