I dont think u will find anything in th WT lit that tells you to do so OR not to do so -- my only understanding for this was that if it isnt supporting a religious org, then its a conscience matter -- I have seen the names of brothers and sisters listed in hospital ref materials who have donated to them, so this is not a made up scenario...
Recently had a re instated sister, who has a child -- she says everyone in the cong. is asking what she needs -- mostly has her apt complete now with electrical applicances, furniture and food....
Parents sign up as monitors for the school rooms, some of the kids are in plays and the parents help in that area.....
In the cong - there are bros who are constantly working for others to help out - those of little means who have car trouble, taking in food stuffs, giving furniture, etc. one bro has been driving folks to the hall since he was 16 and he is now 65 and never complains.... not to mention phone calls when sickness hits.. so whereever these horror stories are coming from, what did you do to make a difference? There are some elders who NEVER call on those who are having difficulties -- I know that side too - but each person will be judged individually
So as I peruse these hard and fast judgemental conversations, it makes me wonder, what did you and all those passing judgement do to make a difference?? Nothing is easy and yes there are many times I question, but as one says -it sucks the life out of you, well life just sucks anyway, just try to make a difference...