So sorry to hear of your situation - diabetes can be so debilitating if not maintaining food schedules -- a good friend of mine has it -- her problem is being so heavy and staying away from sweets and I am sure she is going to regret that shortly as her feet are giving her problems now
- my husbands uncle also has diabetes and his wife is making sure he eats well but he sneaks treats now and then .. dont we all??
Another gal I know has the pump and just had her second child 11 lbs!! She is a beautiful young gal and does well with the pump -- do you have one? Could be the answer you are looking for
Look into the health food store for Olive Leaf -- seems to be a cure all for everything -- also stevia -- a natural sweetner 300 times sweeter than sugars and you can cook with it - it comes in packets - and liquid... Splenda is a derivitive of sugar, replacing one molecule of sugar but making it harmless to diabetics..you probably know all this
Thanks for the encouragement - I scope around the board from time to time and I am not on much, but could not pass this one up.. I can see how some have had issues but I hope I have helped to address some of the issues to let folks know nothing is cut and dried or written in stone. There are a lot of hurting people in the world, and they are not all wicked, just hurting - Jehovah will be the final judge and I do not judge any one!
Much peace to you .. keep well