Benevolent - one side of a two sided coin I would say - biblical facts show God to be both kind,human,considerate, thoughtful and all the adjectives you want to throw in like kind, yet the other side is one of a person in charge who wants his will to be done, which, if done so, will benefit the Israelite nation, if not, they are left to their own desires and the consequences of such.. I was a sales manager and had many in my team and when I asked something to be done,I expected it to be done --if it wasn't, there were consequences that affected the whole team - missed quotas,deadlines, etc..that affected bonuses...and as we are "in God's Image" I can only think that God may have the same outlook,hence we are in the position we are in today ...
Is he personally interested? Being a person of hope and faith - I think he truly does care, I want him to care, he gave us his son, he promises us a "new heaven and new earth in which righteousness is to dwell" and I would really like to live under these circumstances, seeing my mate has died and I would like to think I will see the resurrection occur..
Seems everything he set in place went to hell in a handbasket and all we have is what we know now - I can only think everything will be better for us all in the future, whenever that may be
What is your take on it?