A relative has MMJ and is licensed to grow his own, quanity is monitored, got stopped by police and they checked his license and found it ok
has it for chronic pain, insomnia, emotional distress - has a certain type which as I understand, there are many types, that controls the pain issues.
The only reason it was banned in the first place back in the early 1900's was because of the rising dependability on alcohol and the heavies behind the distribution of it.. currently, medications for pain, etc. are being made out of MJ and it is reported that legal pain killers can be prescribed by dr's .. apparently there is a hue and cry to have it legalized in many states and provinces of Canada and US.. after all, wasn't Coca Cola using cocaine in their original ingredients... cough med was also laced with drugs..
Hemp was so closely related to Mj that they even stopped growing that - a miracle plant that could stop starvation , have so many uses that it would put some companies out of business today..and clean the earth of pollution, because of those dear cronies in govt who felt it was akin to MJ - you can only grow that with a govt license.