Since branches are decreasing, kingdom halls and assembly halls being sold off and congregations combining due to declining pubs at the
meetings, older, sicker elders and ms servants who are not being replaced as there are no younger brothers wanting the responsibility (hence
the call at the assemblies for them to step up), financially strapped pubs are not contributing as they once did, older ones dying off and no support
monetarily from them anymore, no younger ones want to help with hall renos anymore, those that are on the RBC are tired out and pay for all their own expenses to "git er done"...
No wonder the women cant do a D to D call on a male - the males are to take over the call -- they will try to draw men in from the world to cover off the elder/ms shortages being experienced, like that will happen... they let males in the congregations walk out the door because they dont follow up spiritually to find out what the problem is and dont listen to the problems when they hear them , so males walk out and mostly with their families and there goes all those thousands of hours it takes to bring ONE person into the truth!!!
So the "prudent" thing to do is keep the pub numbers static but combine the congregations to have more elders and ms to take over from those who can't do it anymore.. plus of course, sell of their halls and keep the money at head office...
remember the Book study reasoning - gas is so high this is a blessing not to have to go out that one night - well when congregations combine, who travels more and from what distance??
I am in but can you tell how happy I am?